
来源 :农林科学实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangwilly
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我社处于脑山地区,共有14个大队,83个生产队,2784户,17627人,男女劳动力6774人,总耕地面积90246亩,每个劳动力平均负担13亩。这里地势高寒,海拔2800到3100米,无霜期短,只有八十天左右。除容易遭受雹、冻、涝三大灾害之外,草荒也很严重,根据我们调查:一般大田每亩地有庄稼苗25万到30万株,而黑燕麦草一亩地却有60万到70万株,严重地块甚至高达150万株,造成单产不高,总产不稳,几年来在毛主席革命路线指引下,在县委的正确领导下开展了“农业学大寨”的群众运动,采取适时早播,选育优良品种,组织人工拔草,小面积药剂除草等措施,同严重的草荒进行斗争,收到了一定的效果。 Our company is located in the brain and mountain area, a total of 14 brigades, 83 production teams, 2784 households, 17627 people, 6774 men and women workforce, the total cultivated area of ​​90246 mu, the average burden of 13 mu per labor force. Alpine terrain here, 2800 to 3100 meters above sea level, frost-free period is short, only about eighty days. In addition to being susceptible to the three major calamities such as hail, freezing and floods, grassland shortage is also very serious. According to our survey, in general, there are 250,000 to 300,000 crop seedlings per acre in the field and 600,000 in the black oat grass 700,000, even a block of up to 1.5 million high, resulting in a low yield, total output instability over the past few years under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, under the correct leadership of the county to carry out the “agricultural learn Dazhai” mass movement , Take timely early sowing, breeding of fine varieties, organization of artificial weeding, weeding a small area of ​​drugs and other measures, with serious grass shortage to fight, received a certain effect.
挫折的经验可使我们更富智慧,更为壮硕。它改变了我们,使我们一步步成为理想中的自己——完满又快乐。 Frustration of the experience can make us more intelligent, more
含二甲苯的石蜡是病理技术室的主要废液之一 ,它是在组织处理过程中浸蜡时产生的。大医院工作量较大 ,因此产生的废液较多。如果把它回收利用 ,既能节约资源 ,又能解决石蜡紧
魏晋南北朝时期玄学盛行,重清谈,个性上率性而动,服饰上不拘小节,衫子在此时流行,并得到文人名士的推波助澜,成为时尚潮流。 During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern D
“龙年共庆辉煌日,蛇岁同奔锦绣程”。2012 年 12 月 31日下午 4 时,在北京国粹苑飞檐微翘的仿古建筑里 , 欢声笑语、热闹非凡。辞旧迎新之际,中国文化传媒集团国际文化交流
我院是一所中心医院 ,编制床位 2 10张 ,展开床位 40 0张。 1998年 3月启动“军卫一号”工程 ,建成了主干带宽 15 5兆的 ATM网 ,共布设站点 2 5 9个 ,开通站点 170个。 1999
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