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再过二三十年,或许更短的时日,在电脑屏幕上,我们会惊奇地发现,20世纪版世界国界地图,正被无数醒目的网络线重新勾画成世界网络地图。 毫无疑问,这是人类抢占知识经济时代制高点,借助信息技术进行的势力划分。 巨型化跨国公司、知识精英集团、非政府组织、高智商个人等等,都将凭借手中丰富的智力资源,垄断的知识资本,通过畅通无阻的信息高速公路,把未来人类重新编织成五湖四海忠诚的消费网族、认知价值趋同的信仰网族、满足社会服务的家庭网族、谋求不同需要的个人网族,使他们不分国家,不分种族,重新分散聚合,在新设置的“网境线”内,形成一个个新的领域,新的主权,而且随着时间的推移,“网境线”还将逐渐模糊工业文明时代形成的国境线。 这是一幅不可思议的未来网景图。 生活在20世纪的中国人,也许对这一前景抱持怀疑态度,难道人类通过几千年逐渐形成的国家格局会遭到“互联网络”的冲击吗?其实,只要我们想想,在“知识经济时代”,人类依托的核心战略资源发生改变,人类的活动范围被无限延伸,个人价值取向获得极大满足,20世纪留下来的文明遗产,还不发 In another two or three decades, perhaps even shorter, on the computer screen, we will be surprised to find that the 20th century map of the world’s borders is being redrawn into a world map of the Internet by innumerable eye-catching networks. Undoubtedly, this is the division of power that human beings occupy the commanding height in the era of knowledge economy and make use of information technology. Giant multinational corporations, intellectual elite groups, non-governmental organizations, individuals with high intelligence and so on, will rely on the rich intellectual resources, monopoly intellectual capital, through the unimpeded information superhighway, the future of human beings re-woven into all corners of the country loyal Consumer net family, the belief network of cognitive value convergence, family social network to meet the social services, seeking different needs of the personal network, so that they regardless of the country, regardless of race, re-dispersion polymerization, the new “network environment Line ”, forming a new field and new sovereignty, and with the passage of time, the“ network environment ”will gradually blur the boundary formed by the industrial civilization era. This is an incredible future Netscape map. Chinese people living in the 20th century may be skeptical of this prospect. Can the state pattern gradually formed by thousands of years of human beings be attacked by the “Internet?” In fact, as long as we think about it, Economic era ", the core strategic resources relied upon by human beings have changed, the scope of human activities has been extended indefinitely, the personal value orientation has been greatly satisfied, and the legacy of civilization left over from the 20th century has not yet come out