
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a499716595
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Background and Purpose -Although white matter is a potential target of acute stroke therapy, there is uncertainty about its relative resistance to ischemia and whether it is capable of mounting a penumbral response. To explore these issues further, we examined the differential effects of ischemia on gray and white matter using magnetic resonance (MR) perfusion-diffusion mismatch after acute stroke. Methods -MR imaging studies were performed within 12 hours in patients with initial hemispheric ischemic stroke. “At-risk”tissue was defined as tissue with abnormal diffusion-weighted imaging/perfusion-weight imaging or infarcti on on follow-up image. Tissue was segmented using a probabilistic atlas generat ed from age-matched controls. The proportions of “at-risk”tissue, which was penumbral at the time of imaging, were compared between gray and white matter. R esults -Thirty-two patients had diffusion-perfusion mismatched penumbral tiss ue present in both gray and white matter compartments. Although the absolute mis match volumes were greater in gray (median 42 cm3, interquartile range 18 to 70 cm3)than in white matter (39 cm3, 17 to 49 cm3;P < 0.001), the proportion of “a t-risk”tissue, which was penumbral at the time of imaging (median 3.7 hours, r ange 1.5 to 9.9 hours) was greater in white (69%, 49%to 86%) than gray matter (62%, 52%to 75%; P=0.026). However, the proportions spontaneously salvaged b y 3 months were similar in both compartments. Conclusions -These findings are c onsistent with white matter being able to mount an ischemic penumbral response i n humans and being more resistant to cerebral ischemia than gray matter. They al so raise the possibility that the therapeutic window is longer for white matter and may require alternative therapeutic strategies. Background and Purpose -Although white matter is a potential target of acute stroke therapy, there is uncertainty about its relative resistance to ischemia and whether it is capable of mounting a penumbral response. To explore these issues further, we examined the differential effects of ischemia on gray-white matter using magnetic resonance (MR) perfusion-diffusion mismatch after acute stroke. Methods-MR imaging studies were performed within 12 hours in patients with initial hemispheric ischemic stroke. “At-risk” tissue was defined as tissue with abnormal diffusion- weighted imaging / perfusion-weight imaging or infarcti on on follow-up image. Tissue was segmented using a probabilistic atlas generat ed from age-matched controls. The proportions of “at-risk” tissue, which was penumbral at the time of imaging, were compared between gray and white matter. R esults -Thirty-two patients had diffusion-perfusion mismatched penumbral tiss ue present in both gray and white matter compa rtments. Although the absolute mismatching volumes were greater in gray (median 42 cm3, interquartile range 18 to 70 cm3) than in white matter (39 cm3, 17 to 49 cm3; P <0.001), the proportion of "a t- Tissue, which was penumbral at the time of imaging (median 3.7 hours, average 1.5 to 9.9 hours) was greater in white (69%, 49% to 86%) than gray matter (62%, 52% to 75% P = 0.026). However, the proportions spontaneously salvaged by 3 months were similar in both compartments. Conclusions -These findings are c onsistent with white matter being able to mount an ischemic penumbral response in humans and being more resistant to cerebral ischemia than gray matter They al so raise the possibility that the therapeutic window is longer for white matter and may require alternative therapeutic strategies.
摘要:所谓激励性评价是指在教学过程中,教师通过语言、情感和恰当的教学方式,不失时机地从不同角度给不同层次的学生以充分的肯定、鼓励和赞扬,使学生在心理上获得自信和成功的体验,激发学生的学习动机和学习兴趣,进而使学生积极主动学习的一种策略。本文着重阐述了激励性评价在体育教学中的意义、作用及运用。  关键词:体育教学;激励性评价;作用;运用  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7
编辑叔叔阿姨: 我是个农村女孩,今年13岁,是双岛小学的学生,明年就要升入中学了,我很高兴。可是爸爸妈妈却不让我继续读书了,要我在家干活挣钱。妈妈说:“女孩子早晚是围着
班上有个叫高威的男孩,爸爸在部队当官儿,同学们很羡慕他,他自己也总觉得处处高人一等。不错,他数学还得过三连冠呢! 一天算术课上,丁老师举起一张数学卷子对全班说:“这次
对商家道德沦丧的行为深恶痛绝时,也不得不看到,目前我国食用油市场的标准低下和监管漏洞,使“地沟油”流回餐桌有了可乘之机。本次地沟油大案的主犯柳立国坦言:“如果说我是道德沦丧的话,那这些监管部门也是一样”    刘军一只手端着啤酒,一只手从翻滚的红油锅里挑了一筷子的羊肉塞进嘴里,升腾的热气让刘军微醉的脸上微微冒了一层汗。  在这样秋意渐浓的季节,约三五好友围着锅子吃一顿热气腾腾的火锅是他热衷的事情,