Study of the structure of borromean nucleus ~(17)Ne

来源 :中国物理C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zl168
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The 17Ne nucleus is a possible candidate with a two-proton borromean halo structure. Since the theoretical model is diffcult to handle the three-body system, it is diffcult to determine the two-proton halo structure in 17Ne. In the present research, we try to study the breakup reaction of 17Ne. For the Borromean nuclei, one-proton knockout results in an unstable nucleus which is decaying further by proton emission. This process will result in an angular correlation between the direction of the aligned recoiling unstable nucleus and its decay products. The angular correlations can give us information about the configuration of the valence proton in the 17Ne. Furthermore, theoretical calculations indicate that the momentum distributions of 16F c.m are sensitive to the structure of the halo in 17Ne. Thus the measurement of momentum distributions of 16F c.m may also give us conclusive information on the structure of 17Ne. The present experiment has been done at IMP in Lanzhou using the radioactive beam 17Ne at 30.8 MeV/u on a 43mg/cm2 12C target. The data analysis is under procedure and the primary results are provided. The 17Ne nucleus is a possible candidate with a two-proton borromean halo structure. Since the theoretical model is diffcult to handle the three-body system, it is diffcult to determine the two-proton halo structure in 17Ne. In the present research, we try to study the breakup reaction of 17Ne. For the Borromean nuclei, one-proton knockout results in an unstable nucleus which is decaying further by proton emission. This process will result in an angular correlation between the direction of the aligned recoiling unstable nucleus and its decay products. The angular correlations can give us information about the configuration of the valence protons in 17Ne. Thus, the measurement of momentum distributions of 16F cm are sensitive to the structure of the halo in 17Ne. Thus the measurement of momentum distributions of 16F cm may also give us conclusive information on the structure of 17Ne. The present experiment has been done at IMP in Lanzhou using the rad ioactive beam 17Ne at 30.8 MeV / u on a 43mg / cm2 12C target. The data analysis is under procedure and the primary results are provided.
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