
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuxiyao4444
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Objective.:To evaluate whether magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a reliable modality for verifying preoperative diagnosis of stage IA endometrial carcinoma. Methods.:One hundred sixteen patients with endometrial carcinoma underwent preoperative pelvic non-contrast T2-weighted or dynamic MRI. We compared the interpretations of the MRI results with the histological findings of the resected uterus. Results.:In assessing the depth of myometrial invasion,the accuracy of MRI was 62.1%. As to the presence of cancerous myometrial invasion,the positive predictive value was 94.4%as high as previously reported by other institutions. However,the negative predictive value,the probability of the absence of myometrial invasion,was only 42.2%. Even when dynamic study was applied to the patient,the value only improved up to 60.0%. Conclusion.:MRI has a definite advantage in evaluating deep myometrial invasion,but not the absence of invasion. We should take precautions against the risk of under-diagnosis when selecting stage IA endometrial carcinoma with use of MRI to preserve fertility or to eliminate lymphadenectomy. Objective: To evaluate whether magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a reliable modality for verifying preoperative diagnosis of stage IA endometrial carcinoma. Methods. One hundred sixteen patients with endometrial carcinoma underwent preoperative pelvic non-contrast T2-weighted or dynamic MRI. We compared the interpretations of the MRI results with the histological findings of the resected uterus. Results: In assessing the depth of myometrial invasion, the accuracy of MRI was 62.1%. As to the presence of cancerous myometrial invasion, the positive predictive value was 94.4 %, as as previously reported by other institutions. However, the negative predictive value, the probability of the absence of myometrial invasion, was only 42.2%. Even when dynamic study was applied to the patient, the value only improved up to 60.0%. Conclusion .:MRI has a definite advantage in evaluating deep myometrial invasion, but not the absence of invasion. We should take precautions against the risk of under-diagno sis when selecting stage IA endometrial carcinoma with use of MRI to preserve fertility or to eliminate lymphadenectomy.
【内容摘要】随着新课改的推行,学生的地理思维能力的培养越来越重要。地理学科,由于其科目的特殊性,有的高中学生难以适应,有的还会对地理产生惧怕心理。在教学中,我们更应注重加强对地理思维能力的培养。  【关键词】地理思维 生活实际 课堂提升 互联网 运用生活  教会学生掌握学习的技能,是当前的一门必修课。在地理教学中,以学生原有的地理水平和生活实际相结合,可使学生能更充分理解地理知识,掌握相关的应用,
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患者男,30岁.因自觉下腹部肿物逐渐增大3个月于2006年2月入院.体检:下腹部可扪及质硬肿块,约18 cm×17 cm大小,右侧睾丸缺如,左侧睾丸约2 cm×2 cm×1 cm,位于腹股沟外口处.患者外生殖器为男性表型,第二性征亦为男性表型。