Regulatory effect of cotton leaf curl virus AC2 on virion sense promoter

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fongfongfongfong
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The AC2 gene of cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV) was obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) . The total DNA of the CLCuV infected tomato leaves was used as template, and the amplified DNA fragment was inserted into a cloning vector. Transient expression vectors were constructed by inserting the AC2 gene into downstream region of CaMV 35S promoter. These constructs were delivered into tobacco and cotton leaf cells for transient expression by particle bombardment. The results indicated that the virion sense promoter was activated by AC2 and its activity increased remarkably . However, the activity of transactivated virion sense promoter was still lower than that of the complementary sense promoter. The expression pattern of transactivated virion sense promoter was similar to that of the complementary sense promoter, namely with high activity in both mesophyll and vascular tissues. The possibility of application of AC2 in plant genetic manipulation was also explored. The total DNA of the CLCuV infected tomato leaves was used as template, and the amplified DNA fragment was inserted into a cloning vector. The AC2 gene of cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV) was obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were constructed by inserting the AC2 gene into downstream region of CaMV 35S promoter. These constructs were delivered into tobacco and cotton leaf cells for transient expression by particle bombardment. The results indicated that the virion sense promoter was activated by AC2 and its activity increased remarkably. However, the activity of transactivated virion sense promoter was still lower than that of the complementary sense promoter. The expression pattern of transactivated virion sense promoter was similar to that of the complementary sense promoter, namely with high activity in both mesophyll and vascular tissues. possibility of application of AC2 in plant genetic manipulation was also explored.
玉米锈病是玉米中后期的主要病害之一,近几年在我县有逐年加重发生的趋势,常造成叶片提前干枯,经测产调查,一般减产10%—20%,严重的达30%以上。 1.症状 主要侵染叶片,严重时果
1 菌核病1.1 症状 主要为害茎、茎基和柄。被害部位呈水浸状,变褐色,湿度大时变软腐烂,表面缠绕蛛丝状白霉,即菌丝体,以后病部表面及茎腔内产生浅褐色鼠粪状菌核,逐渐变成黑
The relationship between pressure distribution and cavitation(noise)inside throttling groove is investigated by numerical simulation and experimental method.A v
摘 要: 地理学科在初中阶段并不是中考的必考科目,许多学生对该科目长期缺乏关注,对地理课程学习没兴趣,因此,培养初中学生地理学习兴趣非常重要。教师可着重使用第一印象的特殊作用,充分利用图表在教学中的引导作用,注重理论联系实际和信息技术的利用,以及学生原有兴趣的迁移进行教学,激发学生地理学习兴趣。  关键词: 初中生 地理学习兴趣 培养建议  地理在初中阶段地位不高,家长对其不重视,学生对地理学习也