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电信业的重组与改革是眼下最热门的话题,究竟应该在什么样的大格局中审视电信重组与改革、提出富有智慧的务实对策,是解决问题的关键所在!著名电信专家曾剑秋教授提出,要在N网融合的视角中,按照“U信息化”的总体目标,理清不同的发展阶段,从把握电信业的基本规律出发,方能形成电信重组与改革的科学范式,并得出有效策论。值得一提的是,这样的范式与策论,与中国广电网络运营业的发展亦息息相关。毕竟,从网络运营的基本规律出发,两大分立的阵营迟早要在N网融合的大旗下聚合成数字中国的网络神经中枢。这一聚合的进程中,不可避免要涉及到各种利益的重新分配、各类主体的重新定位,希望曾老师的真知灼见,亦能够提供给广电同仁以深入思考。欢迎您对本话题提出更多建议与探讨,邮件请发送至cui_muli@ccw.com.cn。 The reorganization and reform of the telecom industry is the hot topic nowadays. After all, what kind of big pattern should we examine the telecom restructuring and reform? Put forward a wise and pragmatic countermeasure, which is the key to solving the problem. Professor Zeng Jianqiu, a famous telecommunications expert, In the perspective of N convergence, in accordance with the overall goal of “U information ”, sort out different stages of development, proceed from the basic rules of the telecommunications industry to form a scientific paradigm of telecommunications restructuring and reform, and draw Effective policy. It is worth mentioning that such a paradigm and policy are closely related to the development of the broadcasting industry in China. After all, proceeding from the basic rules of network operation, two separate camps will sooner or later converge into the digital nerve center of China under the banner of N network convergence. In the process of this convergence, it is inevitable to involve the redistribution of various interests and the repositioning of all kinds of subjects. We hope that the teachers who had once learned their true advice and insights will also be able to provide our colleagues in the broadcasting and television industry with more ideas. You are welcome to make more suggestions and discussions on this topic. Please send email to cui_muli@ccw.com.cn.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。法国海军“贞德”号直升机航母和“乔治·莱格”号导弹护卫舰。@张全跃请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please do
介绍大型转换钢架结构施工技术,包括高支模体系的挠度、强度控制;高强大体积混凝土刚架大梁的浇筑、温度测算及监测;刚架结构位移、挠度监测和应力测试。 The construction
Background: Diffusion-tensor (DT) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has the po tential to elucidate some characteristics of tissue microstructure inaccessible to