
来源 :大豆通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hulei_1188
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大豆与春菠菜复种 ,前后两茬作物双丰收 ,每 667m2 纯收入超千元。春播菠菜品种“园大叶” ,最佳播种期在 3月 1日~ 1 5日期间播种。植株高 5~ 6cm时稀苗 ,苗与苗间距 3~ 4cm。 4月上旬防治根蛆及其它害虫。 4月下旬采收大苗上市 ,陆续采收到 5月中旬结束。夏播大豆应选择中早熟期习性的品种 ,全生育期天数 1 1 0~ 1 2 0d ,在 6月 8日前播完种 ,栽培株数 0 8~ 1 0万株 /667m2 及时防治蚜虫、食心虫。 Soybean and spring spinach double crop, before and after the two crop double harvest, net income per 667m2 over a thousand dollars. Spring spinach varieties “Park big leaf”, the best sowing period in March 1 ~ 15 days sowing. Plant height 5 ~ 6cm when the seedlings, seedlings and seedlings spacing 3 ~ 4cm. Early April control root maggots and other pests. In late April harvest seedlings market, one after another in mid-May to close. Summer sowing should choose mid-early maturing varieties, the full number of days of growth period 110 ~ 120d, sown before June 8 species, the number of cultivars 080 ~ 10 000 / 667m2 timely control of aphids, food insects and worms.
We investigate how the intensity and duration of an attosecond pulse generated from high-order harmonic generation are affected by the pressure and thickness of
On the Second International Conference on Language Testing and Assessment sponsored by Ministry of Education(MOU)of China and Zhejiang University on November 11
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目的 :检测肺癌患者支气管肺泡灌洗液 (BALF)中端粒酶和T 抗原。方法 :肺癌组 6 3例 ,其中中心型 4 9例 ,周围型 14例 ;非肺癌疾病组 (对照组 ) 31例。对患者BALF中端粒酶、T