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一、前 言 在我国广大农村,生物质燃料资源相当丰富。据统计,全国每年所收集起来的农作物秸秆约2.3亿吨、柴草约1.8亿吨、稻壳约0.4亿吨,总计折合标准煤约2.3亿吨,占目前农村总能耗的61%。在常规能源短缺的今天,生物质能源的开发利用越来越引起人们的重视。以商品能源十分紧缺的浙江省农村为例,薪柴和秸秆等一直是其主要能源,但由于转换和利用技术落后,造成热效率低、资源浪费大,严重者还影响正常的生态环境。近几年来,随着农村商品经济的发展和农民生活水平的提高,传统的农村生物质用能方式已越来越不能满足广大农民的需要,农民的用能正在向方便、实用、清洁、高效的方向变化。同时,农村乡镇企业如碾米厂、酿造厂、棉麻制品厂和竹制品厂的不断发展,对生物质原料的后处理也提出了更加经济、合理的要求。农村能源的现状和发展对农村能源的科研工作提出了迫切的要求,所以我们要特别加强对将低品位的生物燃料向优质能源转化利用技术的研究,合理开发利用生物质能,以缓解常规能源的紧缺,防止农村能源问题给工农业生产和城市生活带来制约作用。 I. Preface In the vast rural areas in China, biomass fuel resources are quite abundant. According to statistics, about 230 million tons of crop straw, about 180 million tons of straw, and about 40 million tons of rice husk have been collected each year, accounting for about 230 million tons of standard coal, accounting for 61% of the total rural energy consumption. In the current shortage of conventional energy sources, the development and utilization of biomass energy is drawing more and more attention. Take the rural areas in Zhejiang province where energy supply is very scarce as an example. Firewood and straw have been their main energy sources for a long time. However, due to the backward technology of conversion and utilization, the thermal efficiency is low and the resources are wasted. In severe cases, the normal ecological environment is also affected. In recent years, with the development of rural commodity economy and improvement of peasants ’living standards, the traditional way of using biomass energy in rural areas has become increasingly unable to meet the needs of farmers. The peasants’ energy use is becoming more convenient, practical, clean and efficient The direction of change. At the same time, the continuous development of rural township and village enterprises such as rice mill, brewery, cotton and linen products factory and bamboo products factory also puts forward more economical and reasonable requirements on the post-processing of biomass raw materials. The status quo and development of rural energy put forward urgent requirements for rural energy research. Therefore, we should make special efforts to research on the technology of converting low-grade biofuels to high-quality energy, and make rational use of biomass energy to alleviate conventional energy The shortage of rural energy to prevent the issue of industrial and agricultural production and urban life to bring constraints.
人生路漫漫,该会有多少的沟沟坎坎?当我们因穿一双尚不合脚的新皮鞋而使脚后跟起个小泡,都觉得走路难受的情况下,想没想过:没有了脚掌的小喜林,该怎样走过他的一生? 在受尽了
二、太阳能热水器的结构及设计参数 太阳能热水器的主要组成部分是集热器和水箱,下面着重介绍亡的各组成部分的参数范围和基本的工艺要求: 1、集热器 集热器的具体结构如图5
2001年1月16日,国家质量技术监督局公布了对贮水式电热水器的抽查结果,合格率为84%,产品不合格的主要原因是防水装置的质量不过关和结构设计不合理,容易造成漏电。 笔者在检
肠胃不适≠食物中毒 双方过错,损失各担 Stomach upset ≠ food poisoning both fault, loss of Tam