
来源 :空中交通管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cscbob
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随着我国民航事业的快速发展,加入航线营运的机型越来越多,每一种航空器性能状况(包括机载设备性能)都有不同,管制员熟悉并掌握机型的性能,对管制指挥具有重要意义。在管制指挥中经常涉及航空器的各种性能,掌握应用恰当就会使空中交通安全、快速、顺畅。例如在雷达进近指挥中,通过改变不同航空器的飞行速度来控制其到达机场的时间,形成纵向间隔,便于着陆次序的排定,避免了多架航空器汇集到机场附近后,过多的雷达引导和盘旋等待。但如果航空器性能掌握不好就可能使管制工作变得变动,甚至影响飞行安全。如以下几个例子: With the rapid development of civil aviation in our country, more and more aircraft are involved in the operation of airlines. The performances of each aircraft (including the performance of airborne equipment) are different. The controllers are familiar with and master the performance of the aircraft. It is of great significance. Often the various properties of the aircraft involved in the control of the command, and the proper application of them, make air traffic safety, fast and smooth. For example, in the radar approach command, the time of arrival at the airport can be controlled by changing the flight speed of different aircraft so as to form a longitudinal interval, which facilitates the scheduling of the landing order and avoids the excessive radar guidance when multiple aircraft converge to the vicinity of the airport And circling wait. However, poor control of aircraft performance may cause regulatory changes and may even affect flight safety. Such as the following few examples:
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