
来源 :中国医学文摘(耳鼻咽喉科学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allyev
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由北京市耳鼻咽喉科研究所和天津助听器厂联合举办的助听器听力学专题讲习班于4月5日至24日在天津市进行。课程讲授主要由美国专家科罗拉多大学医学中心耳科/儿科教授诺瑟恩博士和斯达开助听器公司听力学专家金克伦医师担任。我国有关专家陈成伟、王忠植、邓元诚、盛今惠等和美籍助听器专家凌万工程师参与了讲学并担任翻译。课程内容系统而丰富。包括各种听力测定法、老年人和儿童听力康复及有关助听器的结构原理、性能和应用等问题。参加听课的有来自全国各地的耳科医师和听力工作者60余人。——这是一次由科研单位和生产厂家加强横向联系、共同为普及助听器听力学知识、推进我国耳聋康复工作的首次尝试。学员们都感到颇有收获,会后纷纷与助听器厂建立联系,准备积极推广助听器的应用。最后并由主办单位向参加听课的学员颁发了有全体授课人员签名的结业证书。 The Hearing Aid Workshop on Hearing Aids, co-organized by Beijing Institute of Otorhinolaryngology and Tianjin Hearing Aid Factory, was held in Tianjin from April 5 to April 24. Course lectures mainly by the United States specialist University of Colorado Medical Center otolaryngology / pediatric professor Norcene and Stark open hearing aids company audiologist Kim Keling physicians. Chinese experts Chen Chengwei, Wang Zhongzhi, Deng Yuancheng, Sheng Jinhui and other hearing aids expert Lingwan engineers participated in lectures and served as translators. The curriculum is systematic and rich. Including audiometry, hearing rehabilitation in the elderly and children, and structural principles, performance and applications of hearing aids. More than 60 ear doctors and audiologists from all over China attended the lectures. - This is a scientific research institutes and manufacturers to strengthen horizontal ties together for common hearing aids hearing aids to promote China’s first attempt to deafness. The participants felt quite rewarding. After the meeting, they all established contact with the hearing aid factory to prepare for the active promotion of hearing aid applications. Finally, the organizer will issue a certificate of completion signed by all the lecturers to participants who attend the lecture.
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