ISO/DIS 15136-1《石油天然气管道设备 人工升吊的推进腔泵系统—第1部分:泵》

来源 :中国标准化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:frontwave
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ISO15136为石油天然气工业单流和多流生产中所使用的海下推进腔泵产品提供了指南和要求。为了满足世界上广大用户和制造商的需要,本国际标准将给出推进腔泵的选择、制造、测试和使用的要求和信息。并且,本国际标准给出的是推进腔泵制造商所必须达到的基本要求。推进腔泵主要 ISO 15136 provides guidelines and requirements for subsea propulsion cavity pump products used in single-stream and multi-stream production in the oil and gas industry. In order to meet the needs of the vast number of users and manufacturers in the world, this International Standard will provide the requirements and information to promote the choice, manufacture, testing and use of the pump. Also, this International Standard gives the basic requirements that propulsion pump manufacturers must meet. Promote the main cavity pump
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