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基于晶体生长过程中的自由能变化,提出了一个新的模型来模拟枝晶生长。在新模型中,晶体生长由固-液界面处的自由能差来驱动,采用CA方法来跟踪新的界面单元。相对于KGT模型和溶质扩散型模型,该模型更加适合于难于寻找生长速度函数及生长过程基本无成分变化的晶体如金属间化合物等的微观组织模拟。新模型具有普适性。然后,基于新模型,构建了相应的算法并予以程序实现。在一个算法循环中,以当前计算单元为中心,同时考虑了计算网格中连续三层网格单元的状态-当前生长单元、生长单元的邻居单元、以及这些邻居单元的状态。计算结果与实际情况较为一致。 Based on the change of free energy in the process of crystal growth, a new model was proposed to simulate the growth of dendrites. In the new model, the crystal growth is driven by the difference in free energy at the solid-liquid interface, using the CA method to track new interface elements. Compared with the KGT model and the solute diffusion model, the model is more suitable for the microstructure simulation of the crystal, such as intermetallic compounds, which is difficult to find the growth rate function and the basic composition-free changes of the growth process. The new model is universal. Then, based on the new model, the corresponding algorithm is constructed and implemented. In an algorithm cycle, taking the current computing unit as the center, we consider the states of the continuous three grid cells in the computing grid - the current growth unit, the neighbor units of growth units, and the states of these neighbor units. The calculation results are more consistent with the actual situation.
目的 :分析采用复方丹参片治疗过敏性紫癜患者的临床疗效。方法 :采用随机分配法将我院2015年1月至2016年1月期间80例过敏性紫癜患者分为两组,对照组采取西咪替丁配合常规治
Objective: We tested whether neonates are subject to oxidative stress by comparing the susceptibility of umbilical blood lipids with copper-induced peroxidation
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare perinatal outcomes among women with conservatively treated preterm premature rupture of membranes at 24 to 3
介绍了水口水电厂发电机组转子测温系统的结构组成、技术特点和主要功能,提供了水轮发电机组的转子温度监测及故障分析手段。具备一定工程有效性。 The structure, technica
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