
来源 :城市环境设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wrxingmail
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成都市东部新区城市设计成都是一座历史悠久的城市,人文荟萃, 物尽天华。成都地处中国中、西两大经济地域结合部,是西北各省通往西南、中原及华东的门户与交通枢纽,同时,也是第二条欧亚大陆桥陇海、兰新线上最大的中心城市,在全国经济总体布局上具有承东启西、东联西进的特殊战略地位,尤其是在国家“西部大开发”国策中扮演着重要的角色。成都市东部新区起步区总面积约18.08 平方千米,含三圣、洪河片区、十陵历史文化风景区及风景区1.3平方千米的配套用地。成都市委、市政府要求“高标准、高起点、大手笔”建设东部新区,其性质确定为以生活居住为主的生态新城区,是城市副中心。随着规划建设的深入,城市东部将日益成为成都市未来发展的生力军。从成都近期总体发展来看,和城市南部区西部区比较,城市东部开发动作较小,无论 Chengdu East New District Urban Design Chengdu is a city with a long history, a blend of humanities, the best of everything. Located at the junction of the two major economic regions of China and West, Chengdu is the gateway and traffic hub to the provinces of the Southwest, Central China and East China in the provinces of the Northwest and the second largest center of the Longhai and Lan-Xin lines in the Eurasian Land Bridge The city has a special strategic status of “east-west, east-west integration” in the overall national economic layout, and plays an important role especially in the national policy of “developing the west region”. The starting area of ​​the eastern part of Chengdu New Zone covers a total area of ​​about 18.08 square kilometers and contains 1.3 square kilometers of supporting land for San Shing, Honghe Area, Shiling Historical and Cultural Scenic Area and Scenic Area. Chengdu Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government demanded that a new high-standard, high starting point and generous building area should be built in the eastern part of the eastern part of the city. Its nature is determined as an ecological new district which is mainly based on living and living, and is a city sub-center. With the deepening of planning and construction, the eastern part of the city will increasingly become a new force in Chengdu's future development. Judging from the recent overall development in Chengdu, compared with the western region in the southern area of ​​the city, the development in the eastern part of the city is relatively small.
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股市大跌,企业减员,业务扩张,企业招兵。人才吞吐之间,优秀的人才不会贬值。 Stock market crash, business downsizing, business expansion, business recruit. Between h