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河东大地,人杰地灵,文化灿烂。《西厢记》中的普救寺、千古称奇的鹳雀楼、黄河铁牛、永乐宫、宰相村、司马光故居等令中外游客流连忘返,但在海内外华人中影响最大的,当属解州的关帝庙。多少年来,到“武圣”关羽故里的游人数不胜数,关羽的勇武忠义被人们推崇备至,并已成为中华传统文化的精华。初夏时节,当记者再一次踏上这片神奇的土地时,山西省运城市人武系统的同志讲得最多的,是市委书记、军分区党委第一书记黄有泉创新武装工作机制,加强国防后备力量建设的感人事迹。1998年,黄有泉调任市委书记兼军分区党委第一书记后,有空就和军分区领导交流谈心,或到县(市、区)人武部和基层武装部调研。为了营造浓厚尚武氛围,他先后5次主持召开议军会和党管武装工作会议,先后制定出台了《运城市党管武装工 Hedong earth, old times, brilliant culture. Chinese and foreign tourists indulge in pleasures without exception, but the most influential among the Chinese at home and abroad is Geluo Temple in the Western Chamber, the ancient Guanquelou, the Yellow River Tailiu, Yongle Gong, Guan Temple. Over the years, to the “Wu Sheng” Guanyu hometown numerous tourists, Guan Yu’s brave loyalty has been highly respected, and has become the essence of Chinese traditional culture. In the early summer, when reporters once again set foot on this magical land, the most famous comrades in the people’s armed forces system in Yuncheng City of Shanxi Province were the party secretary and the first secretary of the military district party committee Huang Youquan who innovated the armed working mechanism and strengthened the reserve of national defense Building touching stories. In 1998, after Huang Youquan was transferred to the First Secretary of Party Committee and Party Committee of the Military Division, he was free to exchange opinions and talk with the leaders of the military sub-regions or to conduct research in the armed forces departments of the counties (cities and districts) and the grass-roots units. In order to create a strong atmosphere of martial arts, he has presided over the Conference on Armed Militia and the Party’s armed work conference five times in succession, and successively formulated and promulgated the "Yuncheng City Party Armed Forces
各州、市、县人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各厅、局、委、办: 省政府同意省经委、省交通厅、省物价局《关于进一步放开公路运输市场的报告》,现转发给你们,请遵照执行。 P
四川省人民政府令第50号现发布《四川省人民政府关于修改四川省实施办法的决定》,自发布之日起施行。省长肖秧一九九四年十月二十日 No.50 of Sichuan Provincial People’
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【本刊讯】杭州海康威视近日宣布,在2008年推出新一代压缩板卡和新一代嵌入式硬盘录像机的同时,海康威视将全面推出前端视频 [News] Hangzhou Hikvision recently announced