
来源 :江苏政协 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chimaomao
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案头放着一本省政协文史委和镇江市政协文史委合作编辑出版的《黎明前后——纪念镇江解放50周年》,一气读完,掩卷遐思,淡淡的油墨芬芳中,描绘镇江解放的历史画卷油然浮现眼前……农家小屋,一灯如豆,两人促膝交谈。听完工委书记下达的派他打入敌中统特务机构的任务后,一位1939年入党的共产党员朗声表态:服从党的决定!孤身一人战斗在虎穴狼窝,其危险困难,他虽早有预料,打入之后所遭遇的,远比预料的更凶险!面对敌人的多次突然逮捕、审讯、考验,他智勇双全,化险为夷,最后掌握了中统特务机关的实权,一份份绝密情报送往工委,送往苏北。1948年底起,国民党军队扣押民船、遍筑碉堡工事,严密封锁长江,没有特殊通行证要想往来大江南北,几乎是不可能的。然而,解放军20军侦察一连指导员却能从江北顺利到达江南,在对敌人沿江阵地进行了详尽侦察后,又安全回到江北,负责接 The desk stood a provincial CPPCC History Commission and the Municipal CPPCC History and Culture Commission co-edited editing and publishing “before and after the dawn - commemorating the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Zhenjiang”, read in one breath, conceal the reveries, a touch of ink fragrance, depicts the historical picture of the liberation of Zhenjiang Suddenly emerge ... ... Farmhouse hut, a lamp, such as beans, two chatting. After listening to the instructions given by the working party secretary who sent him into the mission of the enemy’s spy agency, a communist party member who joined the party in 1939 said in a loud voice: “To obey the party’s decision!” It is expected that after the invasion, it will be far more dangerous than expected. In the face of numerous sudden arrests, interrogations and tests conducted by the enemy, he is brave and brave, saved the day and finally mastered the real power of the secret service of the Central Government. Intelligence sent to the working committee, sent to northern Jiangsu. From the end of 1948, the Kuomintang troops seized civilian ships and built blockhouse fortifications to block the Yangtze River. Without special permits, it is almost impossible to travel between the major and the minor. However, the People’s Liberation Army 20 Army reconnaissance continuous instructor can successfully arrived from the Jiangbei Jiangnan, in the enemy’s positions along the river conducted a detailed reconnaissance, but also safe to return to Jiangbei, responsible for the
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五、权欲熏心的利己主义者 杨锦生极为看重面子和名利。他会当着下属的面,大言不惭地吹嘘省领导亲来参加环保会,是靠他的面子请来的。他要给人留下这么一个印象:我杨锦生关
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