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人类是有感情有理智的高级动物,而在人类的感情中,爱情恐怕是最强烈最美好的激情了。爱的激情甚至于强烈到溢出理智的堤岸,冲破道德的闸门,而招唤人们舍生忘死地追求它。因此难怪人们把爱情当作人生最为光彩迷人的价值目标,成为中外文学的永恒主题。在西方的抒情诗中,爱情诗可以说是源远流长,美不胜收。尤其是随着中世纪漫漫长夜的结束和文艺复兴、宗教改革、启蒙运动的相继发生,更加上十八十九世纪资产阶级革命的完成与近代文明的迅速发展,使人性和情感得到空前解放,爱情更显示出它迷人的魅力和耀眼的光彩,成为人们情感生活中最热烈最执著也最纯洁最浪漫的内容。并且,由于反封建的需要,它在文学中也被极大地夸张渲泄,极大地浪漫化理想化了,在纯洁温馨的雅调之外,又加上了盲目至上的狂热变奏。(同时,诗歌及其他文学体式也如实地反映了在金钱的腐蚀下,爱情可悲的变质。)然而,待到资本主义 Human beings are high-level animals with their emotions and sensibilities. In human feelings, love is probably the strongest and most passionate one. The passion of love is so strong that it overflows into the rational embankment and breaks through the gate of morality, and calls for people to pursue it by sacrificing their lives. So it is no wonder that people regard love as the most glorious and charming value goal in life and become the eternal theme of Chinese and foreign literature. In the western lyrics, love poetry can be said that it goes back to ancient times, beautiful. Especially with the end of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the completion of the bourgeois revolution in the 18th century and the rapid development of modern civilization, unprecedented liberation of human nature and feelings and love But also shows its charming charm and dazzling brilliance, becoming the most enthusiastic people in emotional life most dedicated and most pure and most romantic content. And because of the need of anti-feudalism, it has also been extremely exaggerated and exaggerated in literature. It has been greatly romanticized and idealized. Apart from pure and elegant elegance, it has also added a blindfold fanatical variation. (At the same time, poetry and other literary styles also faithfully reflect the tragic deterioration of love under the erosion of money.) However, until capitalism
小麦的近缘物种是小麦遗传改良的重要资源。本文以收集的小麦近缘物种为研究对象,采用同源克隆的方法克隆了与小麦白粉病抗性、籽粒蛋白含量(grain protein concentration, G
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
过敏性反应(hypersensitive reaction,HR)是植物抗病原物侵染的重要形式之一,即病原物侵染部位的细胞迅速死亡,产生枯斑(necrotic lesion),使病原物无法得到营养而死亡,因此
采用酶解去壁低渗法对中药溪黄草(Isodon serra(Maxim.)Hara)4种基源植物的体细胞染色体进行研究。结果表明,线纹香茶菜(I.lophanthoides(Buch.-Harn.ex D.Don)Hara)体细胞染色体数为