Prefetching J+-Tree: A Cache-Optimized Main Memory Database Index Structure

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duobao
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As the speed gap between main memory and mod processors continues to widen, the cache behavior becomes more important for main memory database systems (MMDBs). Indexing technique is a key component of MMDBs. Unfortunately, the predominant indexes -- B+-trees and T-trees -- have been shown to utilize cache poorly, which triggers the development of many cache-conscious indexes, such as CSB+-trees and pB+-trees. Most of these cache-conscious indexes are variants of conventional B+-trees, and have better cache performance than B+-trees. In this paper, we develop a novel J+-tree index, inspired by the Judy structure which is an associative array data structure, and propose a more cacheoptimized index -- Prefetching J+-tree (pJ+-tree), which applies prefetching to J+-tree to accelerate range scan operations. The J+-tree stores all the keys in its leaf nodes and keeps the reference values of leaf nodes in a Judy structure, which makes J+-tree not only hold the advantages of Judy (such as fast single value search) but also outperform it in other aspects. For example, J+-trees can achieve better performance on range queries than Judy. The pJ+-tree index exploits prefetching techniques to further improve the cache behavior of J+-trees and yields a speedup of 2.0 on range scans. Compared with B+-trees, CSB+-trees, pB+-trees and T-trees, our extensive experimental study shows that pJ+-trees can provide better performance on both time (search, scan, update) and space aspects.
(一)鸡大肠杆菌病流行特点n  1.普遍性存在。该病四季皆可发生,不同季节、不同地区、不同品种和不同龄期的鸡群中均存在该病原。当鸡舍饲养环境恶劣,空气质量差,饲养密度大,免疫
中国国家发展计划委员会 2 0 0 2年 1月 30日公布了《农产品进口关税配额管理暂行办法》。这是中国加入世界贸易组织后 ,对农产品进口管理体制的一项重要改革 ,其目的是建立
摘 要:兴隆林业局和平林场以杨树林为研究对象,采用杨树修枝新技术年龄轮生枝法对杨树进行修枝,对修枝前后和不同修枝方法林木胸径及活立木蓄积量进行研究。结果表明,采用年轮生枝法对杨树胸径和活立木蓄积量4 a的年增长率最大分别为54.0%、188.0%,均高于未修枝和采用冠高比法修枝的胸径和活立木蓄积量。  关键词:年轮生枝法;修枝;杨树  长期以来,杨树的传统修枝方法有冠高比法、主干直径指标法、枝条直
(一)临床症状n  鸡群常突然发病、传染快,病鸡表现离群、呆立、精神不振、羽毛蓬松、缩颈、闭眼、排水样或石灰浆样稀便、泄殖腔周围粪污严重、病初用手触摸鸡体感觉体温明显