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由电子工业部、国家科委、中国国际贸易促进委员会与SOFTBANK COMDEX公司联合主办的COMDEX/China’97于2月25日至3月1日在北京国际展览中心举行。这是在中国举办的首届COMDEX展览会,来自世界各地的150多家著名电脑及相关厂商参展,展出面积达13000平方米。 COMDEX始于1979年美国拉斯维加斯,是目前国际上最具知名度的展览会之一,每年在世界各地以及美国本土定期举办此项展览会。美国拉斯维加斯每年一度的COMDEX秋季大展代表着COMDEX展览会的最高水平,该展览会每届都有2000~3000家来自世界各国的计算机厂商参展,包括了世界上所有著名生产计算机产品的厂商,展览面积达20余万平方米,全球业界顶尖人物每年都云集于此,参观者来自世界各地,人数超过20万。 过去数年,中国信息产业市场的增长速度令全球瞩目。在各项大型项目如金系列工程的相继启动、信息高速公路的建设、中国互联网的发展及个人电脑实际销售量突破210万台.比1995年增长80%。预计1997年微机销售量可达330万台,比去年增长57%,其中国内著名品牌机占32%,外国著名品牌机为40%。从这个数字来看,国内计算机产品的生产正蓬勃发展,并正逐渐走向成熟阶 COMDEX/China’97, jointly organized by the Ministry of Electronics Industry, the State Science and Technology Commission, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and SOFTBANK COMDEX, was held at the Beijing International Exhibition Center from February 25th to March 1st. This is the first COMDEX exhibition held in China. More than 150 well-known computers and related companies from all over the world participated in the exhibition, covering an area of ​​13,000 square meters. COMDEX began in 1979 in Las Vegas, USA. It is one of the most famous exhibitions in the world. It is held regularly every year in the world and in the United States. The annual COMDEX Fall Exhibition in Las Vegas, USA, represents the highest level of COMDEX exhibitions. Each exhibition has 2,000 to 3,000 computer manufacturers from all over the world participating in the exhibition, including all the famous computer products in the world. The manufacturers have an exhibition area of ​​more than 200,000 square meters, and the world’s top industry figures gather here every year. Visitors come from all over the world and the number exceeds 200,000. In the past few years, the growth rate of China’s information industry market has attracted global attention. The successive launch of various large-scale projects such as the Gold Series project, the construction of the information highway, the development of the Internet in China, and the actual sales of personal computers exceeded 2.1 million units, an increase of 80% over 1995. It is expected that the sales volume of microcomputers in 1997 will reach 3.3 million units, an increase of 57% over the previous year, of which 32% will be famous domestic brands and 40% will be foreign famous brand machines. Judging from this figure, the production of domestic computer products is booming and is gradually moving towards a mature stage.
历史是面镜子,时间是把梳子。 21世纪的钟声即将敲响。当我们站在世纪交迭的门坎,回首聆听伟大领袖毛泽东50年前在天安门城楼上宣布“中华人民共和国中央人民政府成立了”的
日前,北大方正技术服务部、至成苹果电脑专卖店联合建立了北京苹果电脑服务网,以进一步提高苹果电脑服务质量,解决苹果电脑用户保修期维护难这一问题。 A few days ago, Be
○库存上升 产销率下降的趋势仍未遏制○产量增幅回落生产集中度进一步提高 ○Inventory rises The trend of declining production and sales rate has not yet been curbe
(产量上万辆的生产企业)企业名称产量(辆)企业名称产最(辆)中国嘉陵工业公司(集团)1 133104烟台北洋实业有限公司31368建设工业(集团)公司628258无锡雅西摩托车厂27840国营望