
来源 :中国商办工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ufojay
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1997年9月10日,在全国商办工业技术改造工作会议上,内贸部工业司司长王树培同志作了题为“认真总结经验,加快技改步伐,促进商办工业结构调整”的工作报告。报告分为两部分,第一部分是自1984年以来我国商办工业技术改造的成绩和经验,第二部分是“九五”期间如何加快技改步伐,促进商办工业结构调整的工作重点。本刊摘录第二部分登出,用以对全国商办工业企业进行工作指导。 因工作原因,内贸部副部长罗植龄同志不能亲自到会,特向大会发来贺信,谨代表内贸部党组对这次会议表示热烈祝贺,并对商办工业当前的技术改造、结构调整工作作了五点很重要的指示,本刊全文予以刊登。 On September 10, 1997, at the National Conference and Exhibition on Industrial Technology Transformation, Comrade Wang Shupei, Director of the Industry Department of the Ministry of Internal Trade, made a work entitled “Summarize Experience, Accelerate the Technological Reform, and Promote the Adjustment of the Industrial Structure of the Commercial Office”. report. The report is divided into two parts. The first part is the achievements and experience of China’s commercial and industrial technological transformation since 1984. The second part is the work priorities of how to speed up technological reforms during the Ninth Five-Year Plan and promote the adjustment of the commercial structure of the commercial offices. The second part of the publication is excerpted for the purpose of guiding the work of industrial enterprises in China. Due to work reasons, Comrade Luo Zhiling, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Trade, could not attend the meeting in person and sent a congratulatory letter to the conference. He expressed warm congratulations to the conference on behalf of the party group of the Ministry of Internal Trade and the current technical renovation and restructuring of the commercial industry. Made five very important instructions. The full text of this publication was published.
在全国总的经济状况继续好转的形势下,我们迎来了有重要意义的1997年! 在过去的一年里,国家宏观经济环境进一步改善。国民经济开始进入适度快速和相对平稳的发展轨道,以治理
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