
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pn526
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Objectives: To evaluate the feasibility of a serologic screening program in pregnant women to detect neonates at risk for a congenital cytomegalovirus infection.Study design: Unselected mother-infant pairs (n = 7140) were studied.In the mother, serologic screening consisted of the testing for cytomegalovirus antibodies at the first prenatal visit and at birth.In the neonate, cytomegalovirus urine culture was performed to diagnose congenital infection.Results: Serologic screening showed evidence of past infection in 3850 women (53.9%); 192 (2.7%) women had both immunoglobulin (Ig)G and IgM antibodies when first tested during pregnancy.Seroconversion was detected in 44 seronegative women (1.4%).Forty-four congenital infections were diagnosed (0.62%): 8 in women with past infections, 22 in women who seroconverted, and 14 in women who initially had positive IgM antibodies.Conclusions: Screening at the first prenatal visit and at birth defines two major risk groups for congenital cytomegalovirusinfection: women with seroconversion during pregnancy and women with IgM antibodies in their first prenatal serum sample (0.6%and 2.7%, respectively, of the pregnant population).In these selected babies (3.3%of the study group), cytomegalovirus urine culture should be performed.This type of screening allows the detection of 82%of all congenital cytomegalovirus infections. Objectives: To evaluate the feasibility of a serologic screening program in pregnant women to detect neonates at risk for a congenital cytomegalovirus infection. Study design: Unselected mother-infant pairs (n = 7140) were studied.In the mother, serologic screening consisted of the testing for cytomegalovirus antibodies at the first prenatal visit and at birth.In the neonate, cytomegalovirus urine culture was performed to diagnose congenital infection. Results: Serologic screening showed evidence of past infection in 3850 women (53.9%); 192 (2.7%) women Forty-four congenital infections were diagnosed (0.62%): 8 in women with past infections, 22 in women (1.4%) were both immunoglobulin (Ig) G and IgM antibodies when tested during pregnancy. Seroconversion was detected in 44 seronegative women who seroconverted, and 14 in women who initially had positive IgM antibodies. Conclusions: Screening at the first prenatal visit and at birth defines two major risk groups for congenital cytomegalo virusinfection: women with seroconversion during pregnancy and women with IgM antibodies in their first prenatal serum sample (0.6% and 2.7% respectively, of the pregnant population) .In these selected babies (3.3% of the study group), cytomegalovirus urine culture should be performed.This type of screening allows the detection of 82% of all congenital cytomegalovirus infections.
摘要:教师结合各种鲜活经典的案例进行课堂教学,能引导学生化抽象为具体,化复杂为简单,对突破疑难问题和深入展开重点知识教学具有重要作用。高中政治是一门概括性和理论性较强的学科,而多元化的案例有助于学生理解知识点。基于此,本文论述了高中政治教学中案例资源的多元化采集方式,以期提高高中政治课堂教学效率。  关键词:高中政治 案例资源 多元化 采集方式  在高中政治教学中,教师运用案例具有重要的意义。教师
题目  先将文题“守望__”或“__的守望”补充完整,再写一篇不少于600字的作文。  题解  从“守望”的字面意思来看,学生没有审题障碍。守望,顾名思义,即坚守希望,为了一份期待坚持不放弃初心。守望是执着、是信念、是坚守,甚至是一种别人难以理解的执念。但是,在这个喧嚣的年代,有多少人能在时代大潮的裹挟中坚守自我,不会迷失呢?更何况那些正处在青春迷惘期的初中生!所以,初中生写这个题目,在思想和情感
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