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1989年11月29日至12月2日,中南农业科技交流协作区第三次会议、中南农业科技情报协作网第四次会议和西南农业科技情报协作组年会同时在广西农科院召开。广西壮族自治区政府副主席李振潜同志会见了全体代表。中南农业科技交流协作区第三次会议,有湖北、湖南、广东、河南、广西等农科院所的领导、代表18人参加。会议总结了上一年的工作情况,交流了科研和改革经验,交换了如何适应改革、开放、搞活的新形势和进一步改进协作区工作的意见,讨论了下一年度工作计划。中南农业科技情报协作网第四次协作会,有广东、湖南、江西、福建、安徽、广西等有(区)农科院情报所代表16人参加。会议广泛交流了近年来各成员单位开展农业科技情报工作的情况和经验,研究了今后情报协作的方向和任务。西南农业科技情报协作组年会,有四川、云南、贵州、重庆、广西等省(区)农科院(所)情报所(室)10位代表参加。会议认真总结了各成员单位一年来情报工作的进展情况和经验,检查了各自编印馆藏农业科技期刊目录(1983—1988年)完成情况,并具体商定了1990年协作事项。 From November 29, 1989 to December 2, 1989, the third meeting of South-Central Agricultural Science and Technology Exchange and Cooperation Zone, the fourth meeting of South-South Agricultural Science and Technology Intelligence Network and the annual meeting of Southwest Agricultural Science and Technology Intelligence Cooperative Group were held at the same time in Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Comrade Li Zhenqian, vice chairman of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region government, met with all the representatives. Central South Agricultural Science and Technology Exchange and Cooperation Zone third meeting, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Henan, Guangxi and other agricultural academies of leadership, on behalf of 18 participants. The meeting summarized the work of the previous year, exchanged experiences in scientific research and reform, exchanged views on how to adapt to the new situation of reform, opening up and invigoration, and further improved the work in the zone of cooperation, and discussed the work plan for the next year. South China Agricultural Science and Technology Information Network Fourth Collaboration, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian, Anhui, Guangxi and other (district) Academy of Agricultural Sciences represented 16 people attended. The meeting extensively exchanged the experiences and experiences of various member units in carrying out agricultural science and technology intelligence work in recent years and studied the direction and tasks of intelligence cooperation in the future. Southwest agricultural science and technology intelligence cooperation group annual meeting, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing, Guangxi and other provinces (autonomous regions) Academy of Sciences (Institute) Information Office (room) 10 representatives to attend. The meeting summed up the progress and experience of intelligence work of the member units over the past year, examined the accomplishments of cataloging agricultural science and technology journals (1983-1988) respectively, and specifically agreed on the cooperation in 1990.
1991年6月10日,首都北部山区发生了百年罕见的特大洪水,怀柔县山区部分地区13小时降雨达200毫米,暴雨中心产生的泥石流使民房倒塌、道路冲断、粮田被毁,全县直接经济 On Ju
(一)防渗漏。粪坑、粪池等贮存器的四周及底部要坚实,用水泥或三合土砌成,或用缸贮。 (二)遮荫加盖。厕所贮粪池和粪坑,加棚、加盖,据测定,在比露天情况下可减少48.7~60.3%的
一    曾参加过中央红军两万五千里长征的著名文学家冯雪峰,浙江义乌人。在上个世纪20年代初,还不到20岁,就成为文坛所瞩目的“湖畔诗人”。  冯雪峰,于1927年6月,在大革命失败后的腥风血雨中加入中国共产党,从1931年起,先后担任过中国左翼作家联盟党团书记、中共上海中央局文化工作委员会书记。1933年,冯雪峰在上海任中共江苏省委宣传部长时,因叛徒出卖,身份暴露,为了他的安全,党中央决定调他到
目的:探讨羊膜对激光角膜光学切除术(Photorefractive keratectomy PRK)后角膜组织TGF-β_1表达的影响。方法:对6只新西兰白兔双眼行PRK,术后1眼立即行角膜表面羊膜移植术,另