
来源 :江苏林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanghuayejuan
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泰州市银杏素有“量大、壳薄、粒饱、味美、营养丰富”之美称。而在1998年却比往年挂果大为减少,部分树在授粉以后,成形或未成形的青果纷纷落地。据测算,1998年的银杏产量比1997年有大幅度的减产。为此,笔者特对产区进行了实地调查,以寻找挂果减少的原因和对策,供生产参考... Taizhou City, ginkgo has “large amount of shell thin, full grain, delicious, nutritious” reputation. In 1998, however, the number of fruit trees was greatly reduced compared with the previous years. After some trees were pollinated, the shaped or unformed green fruits fell to the ground. It is estimated that the production of ginkgo in 1998 has been significantly reduced over the previous year. To this end, I made a special field survey on the production areas, in order to find the reasons and countermeasures to reduce the fruit, for the production of reference ...
“平时太压抑,总是不能放松,当环境一变,我们就无法适应”    亚军的距离    回想起1996年亚特兰大奥运会,尽管以微弱差距败于熊倪,获得跳水3米板银牌,余卓成依然觉得自己表现出色。  彼时,余、熊面临着激烈的国际竞争,而此前中国队从未拿过男子三米板金牌,谭良德的“千年老二”的命运更是让他们承受着巨大的压力。到了最后一轮,熊倪必须拿到75分以上才能夺冠,而余卓成至少得拿78分。作为倒数第二跳,
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