
来源 :山西地震 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dawneagle
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2009年3月28日19时11分,在山西省原平市苏龙口镇发生4.2级地震。地震后,由山西省地震局、忻州市地震局联合组成的现场工作队,对此次地震进行了现场考察。经调查,宏观震中位于原平市苏龙口镇下政化村—代县新高乡沿村之间,截止到3月30日08时共发生余震67次,宏观震中最大烈度为度,地震有感范围涉及忻州市大部分地区和太原、朔州、阳泉、大同等4市的部分县区,总面积约30000m2。 At 28:11 on March 28, 2009, a magnitude 4.2 earthquake hit Sulongkou Town, Yuanping City, Shanxi Province. After the earthquake, an on-site task force composed of Seismological Bureau of Shanxi Province and Seismological Bureau of Xinzhou City conducted an on-site inspection of the earthquake. After investigation, the macro epicenter was located between Xiazheng Village of Sulongkou Town, Yuanping City - along the village of Xindao Township, Daixian County. As of 08 March 30, there were 67 aftershocks, the maximum intensity of the macro epicenter was degree, and the range of sensation of the earthquake Involved in most parts of Xinzhou City and Taiyuan, Shuozhou, Yangquan, Datong and other 4 counties in some counties, with a total area of ​​about 30000m2.
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患儿男,5岁.因双下肢肌力进行性减退1个月余,加重10 d于2004年2月26日入院.患儿1个月前无明显诱因出现夜间哭闹,随后出现右脚跛行,易摔倒,10 d前出现双下肢瘫痪,坐位时两肋弓处束带感及疼痛,同时伴有双下肢抽搐、小便不畅、大便干结.下肢肌电图提示末梢神经炎.MRI提示"胸8椎体平面右侧椎管处硬膜下肿瘤(脊膜瘤,不完全排除神经鞘瘤)"(图1).体检:生长发育正常,双下肢肌力Ⅱ级,肌张力增高