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工业企业技改投入作为一种推动工业发展的重要手段,目前在我国经济领域中正发挥着日益显著的作用。但在实际经济活动中,部分技改投入项目并没有达到提高经济效益的目的,相反却成了企业的包袱。技改投入的被动性和盲目性、技改投入后期效果考核的软约束、“财政分灶”造威“诸候经济”的本位性短视投资等深层次的问题也日渐显露,使企业技改投入工作出现了若干问题。问题之一:长官意志是从·缺乏科学论证。随着经济的大发展,各级地方政府和企业都抓住机遇,加快发展速度,再加上各种利益的驱动,搞技改、上项目的热情高,筹资金、扩规模、上能力的劲头大,这本来是一件好事。但由于一些地方领导和部门领导片面追求所谓任期“政 The investment in technological transformation of industrial enterprises is an important means to promote industrial development and is currently playing an increasingly significant role in China’s economic field. However, in actual economic activities, some technological reform projects have not achieved the purpose of improving economic efficiency, but instead have become the burden of the enterprise. Passiveness and blindness in investment in technological transformation, soft constraints in the evaluation of investment in technological transformation at the later stage, ”fiscal divisions“, ”preparation of prestige“, and ”fundamental short-sighted investment in economic development" have also become increasingly evident. Several problems have arisen in the technical transformation of enterprises. One of the questions: The will of the chief is from the lack of scientific argumentation. With the great economic development, local governments and enterprises at all levels have seized the opportunity to speed up the pace of development, coupled with the drive of various interests, to engage in technological transformation and high enthusiasm for the project, and to raise funds, expand the scale, and increase capabilities. This is a good thing. However, due to some local leaders and department leaders unilaterally pursuing the so-called term of office
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今年下半年起个人电脑晶体市场竞争将进入白热化,包括英特尔、摩托罗拉、超微(AMD)及新瑞仕(Cyrix)等公司,都将推出新晶片上市,争夺一年超过120亿美元的晶片市场。 新瑞仕公
日本斥巨资购买军用飞机 日本防卫厅将在1999财年投入21亿美元购买58架军用飞机,比1998财年多10架。耗资最大的将是航空自卫队的8架F—2战斗机,价值8.68亿美元。陆军自卫队