Dynamic management system of ore blending in an open pit mine based on GIS/GPS/GPRS

来源 :Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tryst8
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Using GIS, GPS and GPRS, a dynamic management system of ore blending in an open pit mine has been designed and developed. A linear program was established in a practical application. The system is very good at automatically drawing up a daily production plan of ore blending and monitors and controls the process of mining production in real time. Experiments under real conditions show that the performance of this system is stable and can satisfy production standards of ore blending in open pit mines. Using GIS, GPS and GPRS, a dynamic management system of ore blending in an open pit mine has been designed and developed. A linear program was established in a practical application. The system is very good at automatically drawing up a daily production plan of ore blending and monitors and controls the process of mining production in real time. Experiments under real conditions show that the performance of this system is stable and can satisfy production standards of ore blending in open pit mines.
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