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本文通过文献资料法,问卷调查法,数理统计法对集美大学啦啦操教学现状进行了研究,啦啦操在校园里的知名度不够高,从而部分学生不了解啦啦操。其中还是有很多学生会去关注啦啦操,只是缺少了亲身体验,而且他们很愿意去学习参与啦啦操,在其中享受乐趣和锻炼。集美大学学生对啦啦操感兴趣的占一大半以上,也非常期待学校开设啦啦操课程,这样丰富了公共体育课的选项,吸引更多学生积极去参与公共体育课。集美大学学生认为开设啦啦操课程存在很多方面的价值,不仅可以锻炼身体,塑造形体美还有教育的价值,增强学生的团队合作意识。还使学生建立“终身体育”的思想,意识到锻炼的重要性。在集美大学开设啦啦操课程不会受到场地和器材的限制。 In this paper, we study the current situation of cheerleading teaching in Jimei University through literature, questionnaire and mathematical statistics. The popularity of cheerleading in campus is not high enough so that some students do not understand cheerleading. There are still a lot of students who will pay attention to cheerleading, but lack of personal experience, and they are willing to learn to participate in cheerleading, in which to enjoy the fun and exercise. Jimei University students interested in cheerleading accounted for more than half, is also very much looking forward to the school set up cheerleading courses, so enrich the public physical education options to attract more students to actively participate in public physical education. Jimei University students believe that there are many aspects of cheerleading course value, not only can exercise, shape the body shape as well as the value of education, enhance students’ sense of teamwork. It also allows students to establish “lifelong physical education” thinking, aware of the importance of exercise. Cheerleading classes at Jimei University are not subject to venue and equipment.
[摘 要] 通过调研分析建筑行业人才培养现状,寻求更加科学的管理规范和有效的内部教学质量标准体系,以提高教学质量,为专业整改起有益的指导作用。  [关 键 词] 建筑工程;质量标准;组织架构  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2017)28-0078-01  新形势下,培养实用型、创新型人才对高职院校提出了更严、更具体的要求。建筑工程技术专业培养建筑
This paper presents steady state thermal analysis of TQNPC under normal transportation condition. The influence of the decay heat in the spent fuels and the hea
天气渐渐转凉,空气因秋天的气息逐渐变得干燥,天气也不时耍点小脾气,板着张灰蒙蒙的脸。电视上,铺天盖地的新闻提醒人们太阳出来前不要出门晨练。可是晨练不就是为了健康吗?每天都要晨跑的冯大姐不高兴地嘟囔着,在家总觉得展不开腿脚,出门又有PM2.5这只拦路虎,这可怎么办?  PM2.5:环境的黑色幽默  天空明明雾霾重重,人体倍感压抑,天气预报却提示空气质量达标,在PM2.5逐渐被人们熟识重视后,才破解了