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目的 了解生命早期被动吸烟对学习记忆的影响。方法 两组实验动物分别在胚胎期和生后一个月内接触香烟烟雾,固定烟流量为2 L/min 每日2 h。32 日龄时,采用反映学习记忆能力的跳台试验测试小鼠幼鼠神经行为的改变。 结果宫内和生后一个月吸烟小鼠从放入电网到跳上跳台的时间分别明显较各自对照组长,而电网通电2 min,吸烟小鼠在跳台上停留时间则分别显著地较各自对照组短。实验组仔鼠和幼鼠体重也明显低于对照组。结论 在生命早期被动吸烟对小鼠体质和智力发育有明显影响。 Objective To understand the influence of passive smoking on learning and memory in early life. Methods Two groups of experimental animals were exposed to cigarette smoke within one month after embryo and one year after birth, respectively, and the fixed smoke flow rate was 2 L / min for 2 h daily. At 32 days of age, the neurobehavioral changes of the mouse pups were measured using a walk-on test reflecting learning and memory abilities. Results The time of intrauterine and postnatal mice smoking from the power grid to the jumping platform was significantly longer than that of their respective control groups, while the power grid was energized for 2 min and the smoking mice stayed on the platform for a much longer time than the control Short group. The pups and pups in the experimental group also had significantly lower body weight than the control group. Conclusion Passive smoking in early life has a significant effect on the physical and mental development of mice.
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甲状旁腺功能减退3例孙元成, 赵晓明,余永平山西省大同矿务局第一职工医院(037003)甲状旁腺功能减退(简称甲旁减)临床上并不少见,但以神经系统症状为主要临床表现而就诊于神经科的则不多见