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日前,我省报刊社统一换发新闻记者证工作基本结束,2000多名报刊社记者领取了新版记者证。省新闻出版局表示,根据新闻出版总署关于全国统一换发新闻记者证的工作部署,为保障新闻记者的正常采访活动,维护新闻记者的合法权益,切实加强对新闻记者证件的管理和接受社会监督,新版的新闻记者证由新闻出版总署统一制作,由总署的《中国记者网》和省新闻出版行政部门负责审核、发放。各报刊社领取新闻记者证的个人资料,全部输入《中国记者网》向社会公开,给被采访单位和个人提供真实有效的核实渠道。一方面保障新闻记者的正常采访活动。另一方面打击假记者的违法犯罪活动。同时,对查处少数记者的违规违纪行为起到监督作用,切实维护基层单位和广大群众的利益。此前,我省有关部门已组织全省报社、新闻类期刊社和中央报刊驻闽记者 Recently, the newspaper press in our province reissued the news correspondent card work basically ended, more than 2,000 newspaper reporters received a new press card. Provincial Press and Publication Bureau said that according to the General Administration of Press and Publication on the national unified redemption press card deployment, in order to protect the normal interview activities of journalists, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of journalists, and earnestly strengthen the management of journalists documents and accept the community Supervision, a new version of the press card issued by the General Administration of Press and Publication made by the Administration’s “China reporter network” and the provincial press and publication administration department is responsible for reviewing and issuing. All newspapers and periodicals receive the personal information of the press card, all entered “China Reporter Network” to the public, to be interviewed units and individuals to provide real and effective verification channels. On the one hand, we guarantee the normal interview activities of journalists. On the other hand, it will crack down on illegal journalists’ criminal activities. At the same time, it has played a supervisory role in investigating and handling violations committed by a small number of journalists and effectively safeguarding the interests of grassroots units and the general public. Earlier, the relevant departments of our province have organized the province’s newspapers, news journals and the Central Newspaper reporter in Fujian
目的:慢性肾脏病(Chronic kidney disease,CKD)是一个全球性公共健康问题,如果不进行积极治疗可以快速进展为终末期肾脏病(End-Stage Renal Disease,ESRD)而进入维持性肾脏替
目的:探讨不同处理方法在牵张性脊髓损伤中的疗效差异及其机制。  方法:以牵张L1/L2小关节突50%距离制备大白兔脊髓损伤模型,模型建立后,32只大白兔随机分为4组,空白对照组(A