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为明确p53基因突变、缺失,APC基因缺失在胃癌发病机制中的作用,应用PCR-SSCP方法对抑癌基因p53第4、5、6、7、8外显子、第6内含子在87例胃癌及癌前病变中的突变规律以及PCR-RFLP方法对p53基因第4外显子、第6内含子、APC基因在25对胃癌及癌旁组织中的杂合缺失规律进行了探讨。结果发现,p53突变率在肠化、不典型增生、胃癌分别为37.5% (3/8),42.1%(8/19),53.3%(16/30)。正常组织、浅表胃炎未发现p53突变。肠化、不典型增生、胃癌与正常对照组、浅表胃炎组相比均存在显著差异(P<0.05,P<0.01,P<0.01)。在肠化、不典型增生病变中未发现Exon8的突变,而在胃癌组Exon8的突变为4例(4/30),提示Exon8的突变主要发生在晚期。在各病变组未发现Exon4、Intron6的突变。对Exon4、Intron6、APC基因的杂合缺失研究表明,25对胃癌标本中有19对Exon4杂合子,杂合率为76.0%,9对有杂合缺失,LOH为47.4%,23对Intron6杂合子,杂合率为92.0%,其中2对为杂合缺失,LOH为8.7%,18对APC杂合子(18/25 In order to clarify the role of deletion and deletion of p53 gene in the pathogenesis of gastric cancer, PCR-SSCP method was used to analyze the exons 4、5、6、7、8 and 6 introns of tumor suppressor gene p53. The mutation patterns of gastric cancer and precancerous lesions and PCR-RFLP method were used to investigate the heterozygous deletion of p53 gene exon 4, exon 6 and APC gene in 25 pairs of gastric cancer and adjacent tissues. The results showed that the mutation rate of p53 was 37.5% (3/8), 42.1% (8/19), and 53.3% (16/30) respectively in intestinal metaplasia, atypical hyperplasia, and gastric cancer. P53 mutations were not found in normal tissues and superficial gastritis. There were significant differences in intestinal metaplasia, atypical hyperplasia, and gastric cancer compared with normal controls and superficial gastritis (P<0.05, P<0.01, P<0.01). No mutations in Exon8 were found in the lesions of intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia, but 4 mutations (4/30) were detected in Exon8 in gastric cancer. This suggests that Exon8 mutations mainly occur at late stage. No mutations in Exon4 and Intron6 ​​were found in each lesion group. The study of the heterozygous deletion of Exon4, Intron6 ​​and APC genes showed that among the 25 pairs of gastric cancer specimens, there were 19 pairs of Exon4 heterozygotes, the heterozygosity was 76.0%, there were 9 heterozygous deletions, and the LOH was 47.4%. 23 For Intron6 ​​heterozygotes, the heterozygosity was 92.0%, of which 2 pairs were heterozygous deletions, LOH was 8.7%, and 18 pairs of APC heterozygotes (18/25)
序言绝大多数铝厂在电解槽启动之前,要进行电解槽阴极碳块的预热,即焙烧。根据电解槽的设计和操作特点,采用的焙烧方法和设备很多,基本可以分如下几类: Preface The vast m
1 由于蚊子具有昼伏夜出的特征,而 1 Mosquitoes are nocturnal and luminous
危情篇 乳房不生病,现在对于女人来说几乎是一个奢望。生存的压力、复杂的环境、潜在的遗传,许多威胁从各种渠道汇集而来,随时要引发乳房的病变!爱你的乳房,就要了解她,时刻