Improve communication between parents and teenagers 促进父母与青少年之间的沟通

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  Adolescence is a time when boys and girls begin to show greater independence from their parents. It is also a time when young people begin to develop the sense of individuality that will help shape their future identity as adults. In fact, showing independence and forming a unique identity are two of the most important developmental tasks that adolescents must finish in preparation for satisfying and productive adult lives.
  It is not easy for parents or teenagers to go smoothly through this period. Adolescents want to be independent of their parents and make their own decisions. They often do not recognize their need for adults’ guidance and support.
  However, some parents find it easy to keep the lines of communication open with an adolescent child. These parents are often stable sources of positive influence, and the teen feel supported in their growing independence. Communication in such families characterized by mutual respect and the ability to freely exchange feelings and ideas. Parents who understand their teenagers’ need for a reasonable measure of independence and individuality encourage their children’s growth and ach-ievements. This positive communication streng-thens parent?-child relationships. When ado-lescents receive parental approval and believe that parents really value their accomplishments, it creates a willingness to share other information about themselves.
  Many parents find it difficult to have open communication with their children. They have difficulty understanding the changes their teenagers are experiencing and pay little attention to their need to pull away from the family and make independent decisions. At the same time, some teenagers are so self-focused that they do not appreciate or accept their parents’ concern, and they are against all parental authority. In this case, frequent arguments may develop.
  Parents and teenagers may separate from one another to avoid arguments, but this is usually a short-term solution. A major long?鄄term method is to help them develop more effective communication.
  Reading Check
  1. What makes teenagers’ hope to be independent?
  A.Developing unique characters.
  B.Talking with their parents openly.
  C.Having a different identity from children.
  D.Preparing themselves for good adult lives.
  2. Why is it hard for parents to get along with teenagers?
  A.Parents focus on their own work.
  B.Parents understand teenagers’ changes.   C.Teenagers tend to make their own decisions.
  D.Teenagers always depend on their parents. 3. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
  A.The reasons for the arguments between parents and adolescents.
  B.Why some teenagers don’t show respect for their parents.
  C.What children wish for during their adoles-cent years.
  D.The arguments parents and adolescents may have.
  Language Study
  I. Important phrases in the text
  1. in preparation
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