Clinical and laboratory survey of 65 Chinese patients with Leigh syndrome

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:diod
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Background Leigh syndrome is an inherited neurodegenerative disease that emerges in infancy and childhood and presents with a clinically heterogeneous variety of neuromuscular and non-neuromuscular disorders. It can result from the inheritance of mutations in either nuclear or mitochondrial DNA. In the current study, we performed a retrospective study in 65 patients in order to investigate the clinical and genetic characteristics of Leigh syndrome in Chinese patients. Methods Sixty-five unrelated cases (35 men and 30 women) who were hospitalized in the past 12 years were reviewed. Diagnosis was based on both the clinical presentation and the characteristic neuropathologic findings of bilateral symmetric necrotizing lesions in the basal ganglia and brain stem as detected using cranial computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The differential diagnosis of organic acidurias and fatty acid ?-oxidation defects were performed. Specific point mutations and deletions in mitochondrial DNA (T8993G, T8993C, T9176C, A8344G, A3243G) were screened by PCR-restriction analysis and Southern blot. The SURF1 gene was sequenced. Skeletal muscle biopsies were performed in 17 (26.2%) of the patients. The diagnosis was confirmed by autopsy in 6 (9.2%) patients. Results The patients had various forms of metabolic encephalomyopathy. Fifty-nine (90.8%) of the patients had the typical neuroradiological features of Leigh syndrome, including symmetrical necrotizing lesions scattered within the basal ganglia, thalamus and brain stem. Twenty (30.8%) patients were confirmed by genetic, biochemical analysis and autopsy. Specific point mutations in mitochondrial DNA were found in 5 cases (7.7%). Of these, the A8344G mutation was detected in 2 patients. The T8993G, T8993C, and A3243G point mutations were identified in 3 other patients, respectively. SURF1 mutations associated with cytochrome c oxidase deficiency were identified in 8 (12.3%) families by DNA sequencing. A G604C mutation was identified in 6 (9.2%) patients. The genotypes of 52 patients remained unknown. Conclusions Leigh syndrome presents as a diverse array of clinical features and can result from specific mutations in nuclear or mitochondrial DNA. In this study, SURF1 mutations associated with cytochrome c oxidase deficiency were identified in 8 (12.3%) out of 65 patients with Leigh syndrome. It indicates that SURF1 mutations might be a common cause of Leigh syndrome in China. The etiology of Leigh syndrome in Chinese patients represents a persistent challenge to clinicians. Background Leigh syndrome is an inherited neurodegenerative disease that emerges in infancy and childhood and presents with clinically heterogeneous variety of neuromuscular and non-neuromuscular disorders. It can result from the inheritance of mutations in either nuclear or mitochondrial DNA. In the current study, we performed a retrospective study in 65 patients in order to investigate the clinical and genetic characteristics of Leigh syndrome in Chinese patients. Methods Sixty-five unrelated cases (35 men and 30 women) who were hospitalized in the past 12 years were reviewed. Diagnosis was based on both the clinical presentation and the characteristic neuropathologic findings of bilateral symmetric necrotizing lesions in the basal ganglia and brain stem as detected using cranial computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The differential diagnosis of organic acidurias and fatty acid? -oxidation defects were performed. Specific point mutations and deletions The mitochondrial DNA were read by PCR-restriction analysis and Southern blot. The SURF1 gene was sequenced. Skeletal muscle biopsies were performed in 17 (26.2%) of the patients. Results The patient had various forms of metabolic encephalomyopathy. Fifty-nine (90.8%) of the patients had the typical neuroradiological features of Leigh syndrome, including symmetrical necrotizing lesions scattered within the basal ganglia, thalamus Twenty (30.8%) patients were confirmed by genetic, biochemical analysis and autopsy. Specific point mutations in mitochondrial DNA were found in 5 cases (7.7%). Of these, the A8344G mutation was detected in 2 patients. The T8993G , T8993C, and A3243G point mutations were identified in 3 other patients, respectively. SURF1 mutations associated with cytochrome c oxidase deficiency identified in 8 (12.3%) families by DNA sequencing. A G604The genotypes of 52 patients were rendered unclean. Conclusions Leigh syndrome presents as a diverse array of clinical features and can result from specific mutations in nuclear or mitochondrial DNA. In this study, SURF1 mutations associated with atopy of oxidase deficiency identified in 8 (12.3%) out of 65 patients with Leigh syndrome. It indicates that SURF1 mutations might be a common cause of Leigh syndrome in China. The etiology of Leigh syndrome in Chinese patients represents a persistent challenge to clinicians.
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本刊是农业部全国农业技术推广服务中心主办的植保专业技术刊物。主要刊登全国农作物病、虫、草、鼠害的测报、检疫、防治、农药械的新技术、新成果 ,刊登国家有关植保工作的
1974 1999年 ,我院共收治肝包虫病 2 850例 ,其中多间隔多房多子囊性肝包虫病 360例 ( 12 6% ) ,首次手术后遗漏囊肿 6例。术后随访 12 5年 ,复发174例 ( 4 8 3% )。1 临床