Preliminary Analysis of Non-tidal Variation in the Baijiatuan Gravity Station,Beijing and the Releva

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qfcyzf2573
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The non-tidal variation gained from continuous gravity observations in stations usually reflects the regional continuous gravity changes. In this paper we focus on studying the non-tidal variation of Baijiatuan station,Beijing where there are two different gravimeters( namely,L&R-804 and PET-031). Based on the original raw tidal records of two gravimeters from 2008 to 2011,we first remove various interference from raw data by the standard procedure software-Tsoft; then we model the solid earth tides, ocean tidal loading and pole tide through related parameters; after that we adopt a new segmented polynomial fitting method based on Tsoft to fit the complex drift of spring gravimeter; and finally we calculate the atmospheric loading effects by a linear regression model. After a series of processing we gain the non-tidal variation of the two gravimeters at Baijiatuan site,Beijing. Furthermore,to analyze the non-tidal variation preliminarily,we study the main component of related tidal data by power spectral density. Comparing the non-tidal variation of two different gravimeters,we find seasonal fluctuations in non-tidal results, which are in accordance with the water storage change. Therefore,we take into account the relevance of gravity changes and water storage based on the gravity data of GRACE and water data of the CMAP model from 2003 to 2011 at different sites in the Chinese mainland( Beijing, Chengdu, Shenyang and Shiquanhe), and make a preliminary analysis on the relationship between gravity changes and water storage. In this paper we focus on studying the non-tidal variation of Baijiatuan station, Beijing where there are two different gravimeters (namely, L & R-804 and PET-031). Based on the original raw tidal records of two gravimeters from 2008 to 2011, we first remove various interference from raw data by the standard procedure software-Tsoft; then we model the solid earth tides, ocean tidal loading and pole tide through related parameters; after that we adopt a new segmented polynomial fitting method based on Tsoft to fit the complex drift of spring gravimeter; and finally we calculate the atmospheric loading effects by a linear regression model. After a series of processing we gain the non- tidal variation of the two gravimeters at Baijiatuan site, Beijing. Furthermore, to analyze the non-tidal variation preliminarily, we study the main component of related tidal dat a by power spectral density. Comparing the non-tidal variation of two different gravimeters, we find seasonal fluctuations in non-tidal results, which are in accordance with the water storage change. Therefore, we take into account the relevance of gravity changes and water storage based on the gravity data of GRACE and water data of the CMAP model from 2003 to 2011 at different sites in the Chinese mainland (Beijing, Chengdu, Shenyang and Shiquanhe), and make a preliminary analysis on the relationship between gravity changes and water storage .
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