
来源 :环球军事 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lullm
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第二次世界大战造就了无数功勋卓著的军人,同时也成就了一批著名的间谍。从德国军人到投身反纳粹阵营,艾伦斯特·沃尔韦贝尔堪称20世纪最杰出的间谍之一。直到战后,他依然活跃在东西方谍战的第一线。出身海军的德共分子艾伦斯特·沃尔韦贝尔出身于德国鲁尔地区的一个贫困家庭。中学毕业后,沃尔韦贝尔参加了德国海军,并且加入了斯巴达克联盟,也就是后来的德国共产党。1918年下半年,德国战败的局势已无可挽回。11月初,德国舰队发生了兵变。起义的信号是在“赫尔格兰特”号巡洋舰上升起一面红旗,这面红旗正是沃尔韦贝尔升起的。 World War II created countless distinguished military personnel, but also the achievements of a group of famous spies. From the German soldiers to the anti-Nazi camp, Allenster Walwebel is one of the most brilliant spies of the 20th century. Until the end of the war, he was still active in the first line of the spy war between East and West. Arnold Walver, a German-born member of the Navy, was born in a poor family in the German Ruhr area. After graduating from high school, Volvebal participated in the German Navy and joined the Spartacist Alliance, later the German Communist Party. In the second half of 1918, the defeat of Germany was irreversible. In early November, the German fleet mutinied. The signal of the uprising raised a red flag on the “Hull Grant” cruiser, which was exactly the rise of Volve Bell.
调味品与防病治病 大葱。葱白、姜煎服可治疗风寒感冒,葱白、红糖捣烂外敷可治疗跌打损伤。葱白捣烂加蜂蜜调膏外敷可治疗疮痛肿毒。葱白捣烂擦关元穴可治疗小便不下。 香菜
曾经是白手起家的百万富翁,因为赌球倾家荡产,悔过之后立志揭开地下赌球的重重黑幕。 Used to be a self-made millionaire, gambling because of bankruptcy, determined t
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AIM:To study the mechanism of 5-fluorouracil(5-FU)resistance in colon cancer cells and to develop strategies for overcoming such resistance by combination treat