
来源 :岩土力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:carjitar
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岩石断裂力学的亚临界裂缝扩展理论认为微裂缝扩展可导致岩石破碎,即岩石颗粒破碎具有时间效应。根据亚临界裂缝扩展理论,提出了考虑微裂缝扩展导致堆石颗粒破碎时间效应的数值流变模拟新方法,并进行了考虑颗粒不同典型破碎模式的单轴流变颗粒流数值试验。在对比数值与室内流变试验曲线的基础上,分析了数值流变过程中颗粒破碎情况与颗粒体内部结构发展过程等。研究成果表明,两种试验手段得到的堆石流变的发展趋势基本一致,由微裂缝扩展引起的颗粒延时破碎是堆石流变的主要原因之一,深化了对堆石料变形机制的认识。 The theory of subcritical crack propagation in rock fracture mechanics suggests that the propagation of microcracks can lead to rock fragmentation, ie, rock particles crushing have a time effect. According to the theory of subcritical crack propagation, a new numerical rheological simulation method considering the time effect of microcrack propagation caused by rockfill particle crushing was proposed, and the numerical simulation of uniaxial rheological particle flow with different typical crushing modes was carried out. Based on the comparison between the numerical values ​​and the laboratory rheological test curves, the particle crushing and the development of the internal structure of the granule are analyzed. The research results show that the development trends of rockfill rheology obtained by the two test methods are basically the same, and the delayed particle breakage caused by the expansion of microcracks is one of the main reasons for rockfill rheology, which deepens the understanding of the deformation mechanism of rockfill materials .
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山区教育面临的危机 目前,一些山区学校教学秩序处于不稳定状态,恶性事件屡有发生,学生的巩固率及格率逐渐下降,学生厌学情绪不断上升。原因何在?我认为目前山区教育与农村
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