
来源 :中国艾滋病性病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ynsyxs
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目的了解云南省艾滋病病毒(HIV)经非婚异性性行为传播的主要危险因素及发生的原因,为控制HIV经性途径传播提供依据。方法采用定性研究中的个人深入访谈法。选取云南省2015年新报告的由非婚异性性行感染HIV的病例进行深入访谈,了解感染HIV的原因及影响因素等。结果按照信息饱和原则共访谈50例,男女各半,年龄14~75岁,90.0%为初中及以下文化,已婚58.0%,98.0%为被动检测发现。男性72.0%有过嫖娼行为,女性68.0%有多性伴,性伴均为男朋友。经核实,28.0%为配偶传播。仅8.0%有过既往HIV检测史。对非婚异性性行为普遍持包容态度,76.0%被访者获知感染后悲观、难过,甚至有自杀的极端想法;多数在知晓感染状况后有行为改变,主要表现为减少性行为和坚持使用安全套。被访者的感染状况知晓范围较小,多数为自己知晓和仅配偶知晓。结论男性HIV感染者以商业性性行为为主,女性HIV感染者以临时性性行为为主。针对普通大众的艾滋病宣传教育中,加强性责任、性健康和性安全宣教,鼓励多性伴人群主动接受HIV咨询检测。 Objective To understand the main risk factors and their causes of HIV transmission in non-marital heterosexual behavior in Yunnan Province and provide the basis for controlling the transmission of HIV through sexual transmission. Methods Using personal in-depth interviews in qualitative research. In-depth interviews were conducted with cases of HIV infection in non-marital heterosexual couples selected from the 2015 new report in Yunnan Province to find out the causes and influencing factors of HIV infection. Results According to the principle of information saturation, a total of 50 cases were interviewed, half male and half female aged 14-75 years, 90.0% were junior high school and below, 58.0% were married and 98.0% were passive test. 72.0% of men have had prostitution, 68.0% of women have multiple sexual partners, partners are all boyfriends. After verification, 28.0% were spouses. Only 8.0% had previous HIV test history. 76.0% of the respondents were extremely pessimistic about their feelings of pessimism, sadness and even suicide after being infected. Most of them had behavioral changes after they became aware of the infection, which was mainly manifested in reducing sexual behaviors and insisting on the use of condoms . The respondents were less aware of the condition of the infection, the majority knew for themselves and only the spouse knew. Conclusion Male HIV-infected persons are predominantly of commercial sexual behavior, while female HIV-infected persons are predominantly of transient sexual behavior. AIDS awareness and education for the general public, to strengthen sexual responsibility, sexual health and sexual safety education to encourage multi-partner population to take the initiative to receive HIV counseling and testing.
采用石蜡切片法,研究了广西山口国家级红树林保护区4种红树植物幼苗——白骨壤(Avicennia marina)、木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)和秋茄(Ka