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目的了解甘肃省部分地区城乡中小学生对传染病相关知识的认知、行为以及干预需求状况,为有针对性地优化管理,实施有效干预,预防学校传染病的发生提供科学依据。方法采用自填式调查问卷的方法,对多层整群抽取的甘肃省境内城乡各1个地区的1 850名中小学生进行调查。结果中小学生对传染病知识的认知程度为:发热定义39.6%,疑似肺结核症状44.8%,共用毛巾64.5%,洗手预防流感85.8%。洗手频率、吐痰方式和咳嗽/打喷嚏方式3个行为方式上,城乡差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01);在共用毛巾问题的知行一致性上,城、乡均具有相关性(P值均<0.05),但相关性不高。获取传染病知识途径排在前3位的是家长、医生、教师(70.3%,69.8%,65.7%)。在网络新媒体和现场咨询途径上,城乡差异性具有统计学意义(χ2值分别为7.382,7.011,P值均<0.05)。结论城乡中小学生传染病相关知识认知程度有待提高,行为方式存在城乡差异,知行一致性存在偏差;城市学生偏好网络新媒体,而农村学生更喜欢现场咨询。 Objective To understand the knowledge, behavior and intervention needs of primary and secondary school students in urban and rural areas of Gansu Province in order to provide scientific basis for targeted management, effective intervention and prevention of school infectious diseases. Methods A self-administered questionnaire was used to investigate 1,850 primary and secondary school students from a multi-layer cluster sampled from 1 urban and rural areas in Gansu Province. Results Primary and secondary school students’ awareness of infectious disease knowledge was 39.6% for fever, 44.8% for suspected tuberculosis, 64.5% for shared towels and 85.8% for hand-washing prevention. There was significant difference between urban and rural areas (P <0.01) in the three behavioral modes of hand washing frequency, spitting style and coughing / sneezing, and there was a correlation between urban and rural areas (P <0.05), but the correlation was not high. Parents, doctors and teachers (70.3%, 69.8%, 65.7%) were the top 3 ways to get knowledge of infectious diseases. In the network of new media and on-site consultation, the difference between urban and rural areas was statistically significant (χ2 = 7.382, 7.011, P <0.05 respectively). Conclusions The cognitive level of knowledge related to infectious diseases in primary and secondary school students in urban and rural areas needs to be improved. There is a difference between urban and rural areas in behavioral patterns and there is a bias in the consistency of knowledge and practice. Urban students prefer online new media, while rural students prefer on-site counseling.
德国通快公司在一月份的美国西部光电展上展示了其TruDiode LD模块,并宣布将结束灯抽运连续波激光器。该被动式冷却LD模块的单光纤输出功率为100 W,发散角小于120 mrad,并同
<正> 利益,是通过经济参数实现的“均衡利益”,当然也必须诉诸于各种均衡经济参数,例如均衡工资、均衡利润等等。而这些均衡经济参数的实现,则必须通过市场这一途径。一、均
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目的 探讨药物流产后蜕膜残留的治疗方法。方法 选择80例药物流产后蜕膜残留患者为研究对象,按照就诊顺序分为对照组和研究组,每组各40例。研究组患者给予米索前列醇片联合五
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