Saline Water Irrigation Scheduling Through a Crop-Water-Salinity Production Function and a Soil-Wate

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Using a crop-water-salinity production function and a soil-water-salinity dynamic model, optimal irrigation scheduling was developed to maximize net return per irrigated area. Plot and field experiments were used to obtain the crop water sensitivity index, the salinity sensitivity index, and other parameters. Using data collected during 35 years to calculate the 10-day mean precipitation and evaporation, the variation in soil salinity concentrations and in the yields of winter wheat and cotton were simulated for 49 irrigation scheduling that were combined from 7 irrigation schemes over 3 irrigation dates and 7 salinity concentrations of saline irrigation water (fresh water and 6 levels of saline water). Comparison of predicted results with irrigation data obtained from a large area of the field showed that the model was valid and reliable. Based on the analysis of the investment cost of the irrigation that employed deep tube wells or shallow tube wells, a saline water irrigation schedule and a corresponding strategy for groundwater development and utilization were proposed. For wheat or cotton, if the salinity concentration was higher than 7.0 g L-1 in groundwater, irrigation was needed with only fresh water; if about 5.0 g L-1, irrigation was required twice with fresh water and once with saline water; and if not higher than 3.0 g L-1, irrigation could be solely with saline water. Using a crop-water-salinity production function and a soil-water-salinity dynamic model, optimal irrigation scheduling was developed to maximize net return per irrigated area. Plot and field experiments were used to obtain the crop water sensitivity index, the salinity sensitivity index , and other parameters. Using data collected during 35 years to calculate the 10-day mean precipitation and evaporation, the variation in soil salinity concentrations and in the yield of winter wheat and cotton were simulated for 49 irrigation scheduling that were combined from 7 irrigation schemes over 3 irrigation dates and 7 salinity concentrations of saline irrigation water (fresh water and 6 levels of saline water). Comparison of predicted results with the irrigation data obtained from a large area of ​​the field showed that the model was valid and reliable. Based on the the analysis of the investment cost of the irrigation that employed deep tube wells or shallow tube wells, a saline water irrigation schedu For wheat or cotton, if the salinity concentration was higher than 7.0 g L-1 in groundwater, irrigation was needed with only fresh water; if about 5.0 g L-1, irrigation was required twice with fresh water and once with saline water; and if not higher than 3.0 g L-1, irrigation could be solely with saline water.
一儒官,当迎候上司,方乘马出,适乡人过访,不暇详曲,草草谓内人曰:“待以菜酒而已。”内人不解文语,不知“而已”为何物,继而询诸婢仆,认“已”为尾,猜疑为所 A Confucian of
为什么电话线100年都是那个样子呢?——美国著名设计师格莱,荷加兹发明趣事  美国的沃特曼对钢笔笔尖进行改进,在笔尖上开了个小沟和孔,使钢笔墨水下流顺畅,成为美国的钢笔大王。  派克以沃特曼为榜样,将棒形的钢笔改成流线型,从而使派克钢笔流行世界。派克又想:在打开笔帽时,要拧好几次,很麻烦。于是,他把笔帽改成插入式,也受到人们的欢迎。  由于专利的缘故,沃特曼公司不能用插入式笔帽,因而产品滞销。为了