Dynamic rupture process of the 1999 Chi-Chi,Taiwan,earthquake

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mustache
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In this study, we preliminarily investigated the dynamic rupture process of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake by using an extended boundary integral equation method, in which the effect of ground surface can be exactly included. Parameters for numerical modeling were carefully assigned based on previous studies. Numerical results indicated that, although many simplifications are assumed, such as the fault plane is planar and all heterogeneities are neglected, distribution of slip is still consistent roughly with the results of kinematic inversion, implying that for earthquakes in which ruptures run up directly to the ground surface, the dynamic processes are controlled by geometry of the fault to a great extent. By taking the common feature inferred by various kinematic inversion studies as a restriction, we found that the critical slip-weakening distance Dc should locate in a narrow region [60 cm, 70 cm], and supershear rupture might occur during this earthquake, if the initial shear stress before the mainshock is close to the local shear strength. In this study, we preliminarily investigated the dynamic rupture process of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake by using an extended boundary integral equation method, in which the effect of ground surface can be exactly included. Numerical results indicating that, although many simplifications are configured, such as the fault plane is planar and all heterogeneities are neglected, distribution of slip is still consistent roughly with the results of kinematic inversion, implying that for earthquakes in which ruptures run up directly to the ground surface, the dynamic processes are controlled by geometry of the fault to a great extent. By taking the common feature inferred by various kinematic inversion studies as a restriction, we found that critical slip-weakening distance Dc should locate in a narrow region [60 cm, 70 cm], and supershear rupture might occur during this earthquake, if the initial she ar stress before the mainshock is close to the local shear strength.
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