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由电子部科技与质量监督司和中国电子报社主持评选的1994年度电子十大科技成果已揭晓。电子部54所研制的“无人机遥感遥控遥测系统”等十个项目获“’94电子十大科技成果”殊荣。为了激励广大电子科技工作者的创造和发明的积极性,从1990年起电子部科技与质量监督司和中国电子报社每年都联合举办电子十大科技成果的评选活动,今年已是第五届。评选方法是采取上级各主管部门推荐,最后由著名专家组成的评委会评审和无记名投票方式选取。今年的十大科技成果是从该年度通过鉴定的近4000项科研成果中优选出来的。以下是1994电子十大科技成果项目简介,以项目汉字笔划排列为序。 The top ten scientific and technological achievements of electronics in 1994, which were selected by the Ministry of Electronics Technology and Quality Supervision and the China Electronics Newspaper Press, have been announced. Electronic Engineering developed by the “UAV remote telemetry remote control system,” and other 10 projects were “” 94 electronic top ten scientific and technological achievements "award. In order to encourage the enthusiasm of the vast number of electronic science and technology workers in creating and inventing, since 1990, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Quality Supervision and the China Electronics News Agency jointly hold the selection of ten major scientific and technological achievements each year. This year marks the fifth. Selection method is to take the higher authorities recommended by the final composed of well-known experts jury review and secret ballot mode selection. The top ten scientific and technological achievements this year have been selected from the nearly 4,000 scientific and technological achievements appraised in that year. The following is a brief introduction to the top ten scientific and technological achievements of 1994 e-book, with the arrangement of stroke order of Chinese characters.
China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation(Sinopec Group)acquired a 10% interest in the Northern Lights Partnership(NLP)via its subsidiary SinoCanada Petroleum Cor
On March 18th,2009 CNOOC Ltd.(HK:0883)announcedthe successful start-up of its PanYu(PY)30-1 gas field.Currently it is producing about 30 million cubic feet of
叶圣陶先生说:“通常作文,胸中先有一腔积蓄,临了执笔,拿出来就是,很自然的。”是的,有泉则有常流水,有根方有参天木,有丰富的积累才能写出好的作文来。因此,丰富的积累是学生写好作文的重要前提。  一、积累生活,为学生作文开启创作的源泉。作文离不开生活,生活充实到什么程度,才会做出什么文字。为文者必须贴近生活、深入生活,生活是创作的唯一源泉。就小学生而言,积累生活应该从以下三个方面入手:  一要让学生