Effect of simulated ischemia-reperfusion on I_f in sinoatrial node cells and the intervention of KAT

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yun3531
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Objective: To study the effect of simulated ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) on If of sinoatrial node (SAN) cells and the intervention of KATP channel opener Pinacidil. Methods: The SAN cells of the neonatal rats were detached and purified 2 d before the experiment. The experimental animals were randomly divided into the control group, group of simulated I/R, group intervened with KATP channel opener Pinacidil (P+ I/R) and group intervened with KATP channel blocking agent 5-HD (5-HD + P + I/R & 5-HD + I/R). The If density of each group was measured by technique of routine whole cell patch clamp and multiple-catheter perfusion system and the If activated curve in each group was drawn. Results: ①Under different directive potentials, the If density of the SAN cells in I/R group increased significantly, compared with that in the control group ( P < 0.01); that in P + I/R group decreased significantly, compared with that in I/R group ( P < 0.01); the If density values in 5-HD + P + I/R group and 5-HD + I/R group i Objective: To study the effect of simulated ischemia-reperfusion (I / R) on If of sinoatrial node (SAN) cells and the intervention of KATP channel opener Pinacidil. Methods: The SAN cells of the neonatal rats were detached and purified 2 d before the experiment. The experimental animals were randomly divided into control group, group of simulated I / R, group intervened with KATP channel opener Pinacidil (P + I / R) and group intervened with KATP channel blocking agent 5-HD P + I / R & 5-HD + I / R). The If density of each group was measured by technique of routine whole cell patch clamp and multiple-catheter perfusion system and the If activated curve. The different density of the SAN cells in I / R group increased significantly, compared with that in the control group (P <0.01); that in P + I / R group decreased significantly, compared with that in I / R group (P <0.01); the If density values ​​in 5-HD + P + I / R group an d 5-HD + I / R group i
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特发性室性心动过速是指发生在无器质性心脏病的室性心动过速,占临床室性心动过速的10 %左右,左室特发性室性心动过速(LIVT)占特发性室性心动过速的2 0 %。作者在昆明医学院
1 病例报告患者男,18岁,因全腹痛2 d,伴低热、腹胀,血白细胞升高(WBC 14 8×109/L、N 0 87),尿常规、大便常规均正常,外科诊断急性阑尾炎,予阑尾切除术治疗,切除阑尾病理诊
文章编号:0253鄄2409(2017)05鄄0581鄄08摇Received: 2016鄄12鄄21;Revised: 2017鄄03鄄27.摇* Corresponding author. E鄄mail:samehaboulfotouh@yahoo. com.摇摇 本文的英
[摘要]文化产业大发展的时期已经到来,而文化旅游业将是广西国民经济新的增长点和重要支柱产业。本文分析了广西文化旅游资源的优势和劣势,以及发展中所存在的问题,提出了制订广西文化旅游发展规划、建立和完善人才培养机制、转变政府文化管理职能、推动文化旅游创新等发展对策,希望为促进广西文化旅游经济的发展提供一些有益的政策建议。  [关键词]广西;文化旅游;问题;对策    党的十七届五中全会首次提出“推动文