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故障现象一辆车型为UCF30的雷克萨斯LS430轿车,客户反映该车有时会出现发动机警告灯点亮故障,且同时还伴有发动机怠速运转发抖和行驶中加速无力的现象。故障诊断根据客户对故障现象的描述,笔者用故障检测仪进行检测,检测到的故障代码为P0353的历史故障代码,提示产生故障的原因是第3缸点火线圈一次侧或二次侧电路断路或短路,并显示详尽的定格数据(图1)。根据读得的故障代码分析,可能的故障原因有点火系统或第3缸点火线圈零部件损坏,点火系统的线束出现断路或短路,发动机电控单元(ECU)损坏。为此,笔者按以下步骤 Fault phenomenon A model for the Lexus LS430 sedan UCF30, the customer reflects the car may sometimes appear engine warning lights lit fault, and also accompanied by the engine idling tremor and driving acceleration weakness phenomenon. Fault diagnosis According to the customer description of the fault phenomenon, the author detected with a fault detector, the fault code detected as a fault code P0353, suggesting that the cause of the malfunction is the first 3-cylinder ignition coil primary or secondary circuit open circuit or Short-circuit, and display detailed freeze-frame data (Figure 1). According to the read fault code analysis, the possible causes of failure are ignition system or ignition coil components damaged cylinder 3, the ignition system wiring break or short circuit, the engine ECU damage. To this end, the author according to the following steps
故障现象一辆2008款1.8 L自动挡福克斯三厢车,行驶里程为6万km。在行驶过程中,只要踩下制动踏板,正常工作的前照灯就会自动关闭,而且,如果接通空调后踩下制动踏板,空调鼓风机
目的探讨加参方对心肌梗死大鼠心功能的影响及可能作用机制。方法采用结扎大鼠左冠状动脉前降支的方法建立大鼠急性心肌梗死模型,将术后24 h成活大鼠随机分为假手术组(19只)
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在物流设备供应商招标时,哈纳斯更为看重物流解决方案能力,沃尔沃卡车不仅作为提供先进卡车的制造商,更是一家提供全面运输解决方案的供应商,从而获得了宁夏哈纳斯的青睐 Ha
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“新兴”汽车市场引领全球市场增长,所占份额已超过成熟市场伴随着新兴市场在销量上的猛增,降低汽车碳排放量将变得更加困难J.D.Power and Associates全球汽车业务高级副总裁