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简述了文献计量学和引文分析对图书情报工作的作用;阐明对我国天文学期刊引文统计分析的目的;提出一般引文统计的原则;介绍了这次引文统计所涉及的内容。其中包括:(1)文献老化的量度——中国天文学近6年文献的半衰期和D.Price指数值;(2)天文学期刊引文率按年代分布的特征;(3)引文按语种分布比例;(4)引文按不同时间段反映出天文系统科技人员利用文献资料的引用率,(5)引文按文献类型统计结果;(6)篇引率及与国外同类刊物的比较。最后引出了对天文学期刊引文统计结果分析的6点认识。 It briefly describes the role of bibliometrics and citation analysis in the work of library and information services. It also clarifies the purpose of statistics analysis of citation in our country’s astronomy journals, puts forward the principle of general citation statistics, and introduces the contents involved in this citation statistics. These include: (1) Aging of Literature - Half-life and D. Price Index of Chinese Astronomical Literature in Recent Six Years; (2) Citation Rates of Astronomy Journals by Age; (3) Citation Distribution by Language; ( 4) The citation reflects the reference rate of using astronomical and systematic scientific and technical personnel in different periods of time; (5) The citation statistics according to the type of literature; (6) The reference rate and comparison with similar foreign publications. Finally, it brings forward six points of cognition on the statistical analysis of citations of astronomy journals.
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李又华等同志发表争鸣文章认为,知识是人 类对实践经验和对客观世界认识的总结,体现在 已有的各种学科专业的系统知识和各种实际经验知识上。情报则是对上述知识的创造性应用