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叙述长江三峡地区四条地震测深剖面沉积层与基底层速度细结构的研究结果.测区西部的鄂西丘陵地区沉积盖层速度较大,总厚度为0~3km,但在秭归盆地南侧与沮水河谷沉积层厚度加大,分别为5.0与4.0km.测区东部的江汉平原区沉积盖层巨厚,达5~8km.速度明显偏小.基底面速度在整区达6km/s以上.在沉积层内部还可细分一层面,在江汉平原区深度达3~4km,而在其它地区接近地表.剖面多处为断裂所切割,断裂所经之处不仅速度等值线变化剧烈,且速度值也明显偏低.基底层以速度高并梯度小著称,层内存在三处高速异常区,分别位于黄陵背斜的西、南和东侧.它们是地壳深处玄武岩类高速物质上涌产物,估计这过程发生于黄陵背斜形成之前.由于其活动,造就或影响了基底面剧烈深度变化,以及相应断裂的发育与活动 The results of the study on fine structure of sediment and basement velocities of four seismic profiles in the Three Gorges area of ​​the Yangtze River are described. The sedimentary cover in the western Hubei hilly area in the western part of the survey area is relatively large with a total thickness of 0 ~ 3 km. However, the thickness of the sedimentary layer in the south of the Zigui Basin and the Ju River valley is 5.0 and 4.0 km, respectively. The sedimentary cover of the Jianghan Plain in the east of the survey area is very thick, reaching 5 ~ 8km. The speed is obviously small. Basal surface velocity in the entire area up to 6km / s or more. Within the sediment layer can also be subdivided into a layer of surface depth in Jianghan up to 3 ~ 4km, while in other areas close to the surface. Many sections of the section are cut by the fault, where not only the velocity contour change drastically but also the speed value obviously lower. The basal layer is famous for its high velocity and small gradient. There are three high-velocity anomalies in the layer, which are located on the west, south and east of the Huangling anticline. They are high-velocity basaltic upwelling products of deep basalts. It is estimated that this process occurred before the formation of the Huangling anticline. Due to its activity, the drastic depth changes of the basal plane and the development and activities of the corresponding faults are created or influenced
对于画家来说,绘画是发声工具,它借由油彩画布等物质手段,将内在的精神世界呈现。形式上,它可以是娓娓道来的亲切呢喃,可以是洪亮高亢的激昂情绪,可以是声嘶力竭的怒吼喧嚣,可以是痛快淋漓的不满咒骂,也可以是远离尘嚣的宁静惬意。本质上,它又都源于生活,源于艺术家个体的生命历练,对生活的艺术体验。  早在古希腊的智者——亚里士多德就曾提出:“艺术……以现实的人生为模仿的对象,但这种模仿又不是对生活的照抄,而
目的 分析Dixon术应用器械吻合术后吻合口漏的原因。方法 通过对本院近年来 2 46例中上段直肠癌施行Dixon术应用器械吻合出现吻合口漏的各种原因进行分析比较。结果 病灶