Traditional puppet show 温州90后女孩的“线线连偶,十指绝艺”

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  1.puppeteer 操纵木偶的人
  2.the oldest puppetry troupe 最古老的木偶剧团
   Located in the south of Zhejiang Province’s Wenzhou City, Pingyang County is the hometown of the amazing provincial intangible cultural
  heritage: the Pingyang puppet show. The Pingyang Puppetry Troupe (表演团) is the oldest puppetry troupe in China. The puppets are delicate and vivid. Yet, behind all that are the skillful hands of the puppeteers.
  “Performing a puppet is like playing the piano,” says Lin Si, 24. “Attached to your ten fingers are more than 30 threads. Every single movement of the joints(关节), the eyes and the mouth, is for you to control.”
  Lin is a new-generation puppeteer of the Pingyang puppet show. Her father, a member of the troupe, used to take her to see the troupe’s performance when she was younger. “I found the puppetry very interesting, yet never expected to be sent to study in Shanghai Theatre Academy.”
  There were 8 students chosen from the Wenzhou area, 7 of whom stayed in Shanghai after graduation. Only Lin went back to her hometown and joined the Pingyang Puppetry Troupe.
  “The most difficult part of training was holding the puppets. You have to hold them still for more than half an hour,” says Lin. “I couldn’t lift my arms for days after that.” Being shorter than other performers, she has to wear high heels in order to keep the puppets at the same level, which makes it more laborious(辛苦的) for her. Lin can perform and make the puppets. The troupe’s puppets can’t be mass produced, as each is unique.
  Like many other traditional arts, the Pingyang puppet show has a limited audience. All the other artists of the troupe are in their 40s or 50s. As the only young performer, Lin has to take part in important annual shows to improve herself.
  Lin is actually a fashionable girl off the stage. Flexible fingers make her formidable(難对付的) in some popular mobile games. “If I could make the puppets out of the game characters, perhaps our puppetry would attract more attention of the younger generation,” she says. She hopes that someday that would finally come true.
  1.What’s required for a good puppeteer?
  A.The basic experience to play the piano.
  B.The ability to perform and make the puppets.
  C.The skills to hold puppets and control movement.
  D.The flexible fingers to handle mobile games and make the character.   2.What’s the hope of Lin Si according to the last paragraph?
  A.Pursuing fashion off the stage.
  B.Developing the puppets and attracting attention.
  C.Making the puppets from the characters of
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