STOMP—a British percussion band 英国打击乐队STOMP

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  1. busker /?b?sk?(r)/ n. 街头艺人
  2. drummer /?dr?m?(r)/ n. 鼓手
  3. warehouse /?we?ha?s/ n. 仓库;货栈
  You might have noticed that the ringing sound of basketballs was almost like the beat to a song. But did you know that it could be taken seriously as music?
  The music group STOMP has taken everyday objects and turned them into instruments. The music it has created is a hit all over the world.
  STOMP was formed by British musicians Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas. They met in the early 1980s when they were both working as buskers, the British term for street performers. Cresswell and McNicholas were part of a busking group called Pookiesnackenburger that became very popular throughout Britain.
  Cresswell was a drummer for the group. Because they performed on the street, he could not set up a traditional drum set. Instead, he wore one drum that hung around his shoulders. To be able to make different sounds, Cresswell began beating on everyday objects that he could find during performances. This creative drumming led to the idea for STOMP.
  STOMP made its first public appearance at Londons Bloomsbury Theatre in 1991. The performers used one?of?a?kind instruments, such as empty water bottles, basketballs, and matchboxes to create music. Wearing overalls and T?shirts, they danced around on a stage made to look like a closed warehouse. STOMP was a great success, winning many theater awards and drawing huge crowds.
  In 1994, STOMP came to the United States and played at the Orpheum Theater in New York City. Years later, it is still playing there! To celebrate its ten?year anniversary, the then New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg renamed the street outside the theater STOMP Avenue.
  STOMP has now toured all over the United States and most of the world. One reason why STOMP is so popular is that anyone can enjoy it. There are no words or story. People from all cultures can understand it, no matter which language they speak.
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[编者按] 从广播电视大学到开放大学的战略转型,意味着深层次、全方位的变革,所面临的挑战相当严峻,而教学改革所面临的挑战也许会是前所未有的。中央电大校长杨志坚日前在谈到推进现代信息技术与远程教育深度融合探索的“切入点”时,特别强调要建立、完善以学习者为中心,基于网络自主学习、远程学习支持服务和面授相结合的新型教学模式。他还指出,教学模式改革的主要任务,是根据学习者的实际情况重新调整培养目标、专业建
【摘 要】 英国开放大学是英国开放教育史上的一座里程碑,是国际远程开放教育领域成功运营和办学的典范。本文首先介绍了电子评估的内涵,然后对英国开放大学基于两个电子评估系统的电子评估实践和研究进行了综述和分析,指出了电子评估的效果和优势,最后得出了对我国远程教育的几点启示。  【关键词】 英国开放大学;电子评估;评价;远程教育     【中图分类号】 G420 【文献标识码】
[编者按] 建设覆盖全国的国家开放大学办学体系,是广播电视大学战略转型的重大现实课题。学习中心作为国家开放大学办学体系的终端,其建设与运行又是国家开放大学办学体系建设的重点和难点所在。《中国远程教育》杂志和青岛广播电视大学结合国家开放大学办学体系——学习中心建设试点项目的实施,于2013年7月29日在青岛联合举办了以“终端制胜——国家开放大学学习中心建设与运行”为主题的“中国远程教育学术论坛”。