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地处山老区的清水河县王桂夭乡党委和政府,从多年的实践中体会到,植树造林能否见到效益,关键在于护林。把植树造林和护林当作改变山区落后面貌的大事来抓,使全乡的林木覆盖率逐年增加,既调节了气候,又促进了农牧业的发展。今年人春以来,乡党政干部深入基层,同全乡十一个行政村共同研究制定了有效的护林措施,既抓造林也抓护林。他们首先大力宣传《森林法》和自治区的《森林管理条例(试行)》,坚持以法治林。这个乡把护林工作当作精神文明的一项重要内容,在全民中,特别 Is located in the old district of Qingshuihe Wang Guoyao township party committee and government, from years of practice experience, afforestation can see the benefits, the key lies in the forest. The afforestation and forest protection as a mountainous area to change the backwardness of the event, so that the township’s forest coverage increased year by year, both to adjust the climate, but also promoted the development of agriculture and animal husbandry. Since the spring of this year, the township party and government cadres have gone deep into the grassroots level to jointly study and formulate effective measures for protecting forests with eleven administrative villages in the township. They first vigorously publicized the “Forest Management Law” and the Autonomous Region’s “Forest Management Regulations (Provisional)” and insisted on forestation by law. This township to forest work as an important part of spiritual civilization, among the general public, special
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<正> 《语法等级大纲》(试行)(以下简称《大纲》(试行))。在编写试行过程中,我们首先遇到的问题是如何处理好以下几个关系:一、系统性与突出难点的关系;二、体系型语法项与独立型语法点的关系;三、形式与意义的关系。这些关系处理得当就可以使语法体系建立在既科学又可行的基础上。
马新英中共党员,大学学历。她从事审判工作20年来,历任助审员、审判员、庭长,现任吉林省吉林市丰满区人民法院副院长兼执行局局长。 Ma Xinying Communist Party members, u