扩大版面内涵 推出“光明”精品

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1995年的光明 日报,以党的基本理 论、基本路线、基本方 针为指导,坚持正确 导向,坚持改革创新, 集中优势力量,提高 报纸质量,使报社整 体工作呈上升势头。 1、重大事件报 道有突破。 在纪念中国人民 抗日战争和世界人民 反法西斯战争胜利 50周年活动中,光明 日报的报道主题突出,旗帜鲜明,有组织,有计划,声势大,有气魄,感染力强。仅8月15日一天就发稿32篇,社会反响热烈。 在第四次世界妇女大会的报道中,由本报承办的中文会刊《妇女之声》,记载了会议进程,传播了会议信息,提供了会议服务,促进了会议的成功,正确地引导了舆论,使中国和世界公正人士的声音得到了传播,有力地驳斥了某些西方媒介对大会的不公正报道。 同时,我们对十四届五中全会以及其他一些重大新闻事件的宣传也富有特色,较之以往有所突破。 2、加大了社会主义精神文明建设的宣传力度。 去年初,我们进行了关于国家机关要插挂国旗的报道,在四十多个部委和二十余个省、自治区直辖市委中引起强烈反响,提高了公民的国旗意识和爱国意识,是促进精神文明建设的一个重要举措。 Guided by the party’s basic theories, basic lines and basic principles, the 1995 Guangming Daily adhered to correct orientation, adhered to reform and innovation, concentrated superior forces, and improved newspaper quality so that the newspaper’s overall work was on the rise. 1, a major event reported a breakthrough. In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the victory of the people in the world in the anti-fascist war, the Guangming Daily highlighted the theme of the report. It has a clear-cut banner, an organized and planned spirit, a bold momentum, and a strong appetite. Only 32 articles were delivered on the 15th of August alone, and the social response was enthusiastic. In the coverage of the Fourth World Conference on Women, the Voice of Women, a Chinese-language journal run by the newspaper, recorded the progress of the conference, disseminated the conference information and provided conference services, promoted the success of the conference and correctly guided Public opinion has spread the voices of just persons in China and the rest of the world, strongly refuting the unfair reports of certain Western media on the General Assembly. At the same time, we are also full of distinctive propaganda about the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee and other major news events, breaking the previous breakthrough. 2, step up the propaganda of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. Earlier last year, we conducted a report on the national flag to be inserted by the state organs. It aroused strong repercussions among more than 40 ministries and commissions and over 20 municipalities directly under the Central Government of autonomous regions and municipalities and raised their awareness of national flag and patriotism. Civilization construction is an important measure.
【摘要】现代信息技术在教学中的成功应用,打破了传统教学观念,有效提高了教学质量,取得了较好的教学效果。本文将对现代信息技术对幼儿教育教学的影响进行研究,以供从事幼儿教育教学的人士加以借鉴。  【关键词】现代信息技术;幼儿教育教学;多媒体技术  【中图分类号】G612;G434 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)09-0067-01  幼儿行为习惯与思想道德的养成需要一个良
发现学习法作为一种顺应历史发展潮流的形式应运而生,现在这种方式已经在全国英语教学课堂中普及开来。发现学习法超越了传统的教学,能够较好地培养学生的自主学习能力和主动学习能力,最终确保学生英语学习成绩不断提高。  1. 词汇量是发现学习的基础  在高中英语学习中,词汇量仍然是重中之重,没有词汇量学生的学习成绩寸步难行。词汇量是学习高中英语的必要条件,但是高中词汇相比初中来说,无论从意思还是单词长度上都
【关键词】教学手段;教育技术;教学效益;实践多元化  【中图分类号】G642.4 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)09-0070-01  随着现代教育技术的出现和迅速发展,人们逐渐认识到教学手段作为教学活动一种重要的地位、功能和作用。但是,由于在发展和运用教学手段时,出现了仅讲求实际运用效果却轻视其基本功能的认识、只看重现代化教学手段而忽视科学合理综合运用的现象,造成了