
来源 :中医药管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JESSEA11
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目的:分析门诊药房在高危药品管理中存在的问题针对具体问题提出相应解决对策。方法:回顾性分析河南中医药大学第一附属医院2012~2015年统计上报的78例次门诊药房高危药品管理不当事件,分析门诊药房高危药品管理过程中存在的问题,针对具体问题对高危药品进行科学分类,结合河南中医药大学第一附属医院发展情况构建科学管理模式,加强门诊药房对高危药品的管理,降低门诊药房高危药品管理不当发生率。结果:56例次高危药品管理不当因摆放混乱工作人员拿错所致;13例次高危药品管理不当因高危药品与常规药品差异不明显所致;7例次高危药品管理不当因存货药架标识不清所致;2例次高危药品管理不当因药品管理制度不完善所致。结论:深入分析门诊药房高危药品管理中所存在的问题能有效降低高危药品管理不当发生率,提高门诊药房对高危药品管理的重视,促进药品管理的规范性与合理性。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the existing problems of outpatient pharmacy in the management of high-risk drugs and to propose corresponding solutions to specific problems. Methods: A retrospective analysis of the first Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from 2012 to 2015, a statistical report of 78 cases of outpatient pharmacies of high-risk drug management incidents, analysis of outpatient pharmacy high-risk drug management problems in the process of specific issues for high-risk drugs Scientific classification, combined with the development of the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to build a scientific management model to strengthen out-patient pharmacies to manage high-risk drugs and reduce the out-patient pharmacy management of high-risk drug abuse. Results: 56 cases of high-risk drugs were improperly managed due to improper management; 13 cases of high-risk drugs were improperly managed due to insignificant differences between high-risk drugs and routine drugs; 7 cases of high-risk drugs were not properly managed due to stock drug shelves Identification is not clear; 2 cases of high-risk drug management due to imperfect drug management system. Conclusion: In-depth analysis of the existing problems in outpatient pharmacy high-risk drug management can effectively reduce the incidence of high-risk drug mismanagement, improve outpatient pharmacy management of high-risk drug attention and promote the normative and rational drug management.
本文介绍近期深圳南油集团仓储部3.5万吨级建材码头陆域形成吹填工程施工,该工程采用填砂造陆的方法以合理的设计、严谨的施工,取得投资省、质量好、收效快的效果。 This ar
1.大叶相思是我省引种成功的优良树种,在6年生以前年平均生长量树高可达2米,胸径2厘米,每亩收获薪柴4000—4800公斤,年平均800公斤。热值为4800—4900大卡/公斤。 2.窿缘桉
Cross-sectional and limited prospective evidence has suggested that inflammatory markers may predict for the risk of atrial fibrillation(AF). In a prospective c
0.前提(presupposion)是说话人预设听话人已知的共有信息,但不是所有的已知信息都是前提。(1)小王买了本书——蕴含→小王买了个东西(与此同时) (2)没几个人能来——含义→
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本文从传热学出发,利用有限元方法分析了激光熔覆的热弹塑性过程,以达到控制变形的目的,计算结果与实验结果相比较表明两者在变形程度和变形范围上都有一定程度的符合. Based on