Influence of TiO_2 Mineralizer on the Crystalline Structure of Cordierite Synthesized from Aluminu

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:manaijin
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By adding small amount of TiO2, aluminum slag could be used to synthesize cor- dierite. α-Al2O3, TiO2 and dehydrated talc could generate solid solution to accelerate the solid-state reaction to form cordierite. The experimental results show that the content of cordierite increases with the increase of TiO2 added. 3.0% of TiO2 is determined to be the best amount, because all crystalline substances are converted into cordierite at this content. Philips X’pert plus software analysis shows that when the content of TiO2 is from 0 to 1.0%, cordierite has the same hexagonal structure as the single crystal and the lattice parameters change slightly; when the content of TiO2 is from 1.0 to 2.0%, the cordierite still keeps hexagonal structure but the lattice parameters change greatly; when the content of TiO2 is from 2.0 to 3.5%, the cordierite is converted from hexagonal into rhombic and the lattice parameters change accordingly. By adding small amount of TiO2, aluminum slag could be used to synthesize cor- dierite. Α-Al2O3, TiO2 and dehydrated talc could generate solid solution to accelerate the solid-state reaction to form cordierite. The experimental results show that the content of cordierite increases with the increase of TiO2 added. 3.0% of TiO2 is determined to be the best amount, because all crystalline substances are converted into cordierite at this content. Philips X’pert plus software analysis shows that when the content of TiO2 is from 0 to 1.0%, cordierite has the same hexagonal structure as the single crystal and the lattice parameters change slightly; when the content of TiO2 is from 1.0 to 2.0%, the cordierite still keeps hexagonal structure but the lattice parameters change greatly; when the content of TiO2 is from 2.0 to 3.5%, the cordierite is converted from hexagonal into rhombic and the lattice parameters change accordingly.
我是1963年走上幼教工作岗位的。回首几十年的教师生涯,我想个人的发展与所处的时代和环境,教与学的相互关系,自身的个性特征等有着密切的联系。    榜样,给我力量    1963年3月5日毛主席题词“向雷锋同志学习”发表。雷锋“干一行,爱一行,专一行”的精神深深地印刻在我的心头,全心全意为人民服务成了当时做人的宗旨。同年8月,我被分配在湖州市第一幼儿园,这是一个全国先进单位。当时的园长叶励君是全国
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